Title V Bot is a web application to help you design septic systems in accordance with the Massachusetts Title V("Title-Five") regulations 310 CMR 15.000. See the demo and overview below!
The Title V Bot application guides the user through the necessary design procedure for a typical septic system. Built in alerts serve the purpose of notifying the user of any inputs that may be against the regulations. Having built in edge cases make the application a good tool for teaching someone who may not be too familiar with the regulations.
The program is built in such a way that many options and calculations are dependent on previous user inputs and selections. For instance, per the Title V regulations a percolation rate of 20 inches per hour can only be either Soil Class II or Soil Class III. Therefore, when a user inputs a 20 in/hr percolation rate, the Soil Class options for Class I and IV are automatically disabled.
- Javascript (ES6)
- CSS3
- Daniel Meegan - dmeegan
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 774-722-1964