#animation-kit Animation KIT for you website using CSS
Notice. Animation KIT is optimzed to use with webpack.
You can try animations online here: http://dmitrykuzmenkov.github.io/animation-kit/
Use npm to install package
npm install animation-kit
First you must require installed npm package and pass to it animated dom element to catch animations.
Import needed less styles for your animation
@import 'node_modules/animation-kit/src/main.less';
@import 'node_modules/animation-kit/src/attention/bounce.less';
Then select DOM element using query selector for example and manage animation on it following this example:
var animation = require('animation-kit');
var element = document.getElementById('my-dom-element');
.start(function (e) {
console.log('Animation started');
.iteration(function (e) {
console.log('Animation iteration');
.end(function (e) {
console.log('Animation end');
Pay attetion you need to require used animated styles too.
- animation - name of animation to perform
- opts - object with options
- keep - keep element state after animation is done (default: false)
- infinite - loop animation infinitly (default: false)
- cb - callback that will be called after animation start
- cb - callback that will be called after animation finished
- cb - callback that will be called on animation iteraction
All animation has dash (-) notation in names. Keyframes for animation has camelNotationName.
Here is full list of supported CSS animation name that you can use in animate function
- bounce
- flash
- hatch
- head-shake
- jello
- pulse
- rubber-band
- shake
- swing
- tada
- wobble
- boing-in-up
- boing-out-down
- bomb-out-left
- bomb-out-right
- bounce-in-down
- bounce-in-left
- bounce-in-right
- bounce-in-up
- bounce-in
- bounce-out-down
- bounce-out-left
- bounce-out-right
- bounce-out-up-animation
- bounce-out
- fade-in-down-big
- fade-in-down
- fade-in-left-big
- fade-in-left
- fade-in-right-big
- fade-in-right
- fade-in-up-big
- fade-in-up
- fade-in
- fade-out-down-big
- fade-out-down
- fade-out-left-big
- fade-out-left
- fade-out-right-big
- fade-out-right
- fade-out-up-big
- fade-out-up
- fade-out
- flip-in-x
- flip-in-y
- flip-out-x
- flip-out-y
- flip
- lightspeed-in
- lightspeed-out
- rotate-in-down-left
- rotate-in-down-right
- rotate-out-down
- rotate-out-left
- rotate-out-right
- rotate-in-up-left
- rotate-in-up-right
- rotate-in
- rotate-out-down-left
- rotate-out-down-right
- rotate-out-up-left
- rotate-out-up
- rotate-out-up-right
- rotate-out
- perspective-in-down
- perspective-in-left
- perspective-in-right
- perspective-in-up
- perspective-out-down
- perspective-out-left
- perspective-out-right
- perspective-out-up
- slide-in-down
- slide-in-left
- slide-in-right
- slide-in-up
- slide-out-down
- slide-out-left
- slide-out-right
- slide-out-up
- space-in-down
- space-in-left
- space-in-right
- space-in-up
- space-out-down
- space-out-left
- space-out-right
- space-out-up
- swash-in
- swash-out
- swap
- twister-in-down
- twister-in-up
- hinge
- hole-out
- magic
- puff-in
- puff-out
- roll-in
- roll-out
- vanish-in
- vanish-out
- tin-in-down
- tin-in-left
- tin-in-right
- tin-in-up
- tin-out-down
- tin-out-left
- tin-out-right
- tin-out-up
- zoom-in-down
- zoom-in-left
- zoom-in-right
- zoom-in-up
- zoom-in
- zoom-out-down
- zoom-out-left
- zoom-out-right
- zoom-out-up
- zoom-out