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Mobile Application UI

Mobile CSS UI for hybrid application development

What is it?

It is the minimalistic application mobile UI to use mainly in hybrid development. But you can use it also on your mobile site. The main idea is - use minimum as you can to simplify common wide used mobile elements. Need more? Develop it yourself for your needs.


Check out how does it look like online.

Android example: IOS example:


You can direct git clone repository or use npm.

npm install mob-app-ui


Well, just clone the git repository, get android.css or ios.css from build directory and start mark up your html native looking page! You can use also source code in your project. Just import into your less needed main.less file from src folder. For example:

@import 'src/android/main.less';


@import 'src/ios/main.less';

If you installed package using npm just require less in your application with webpack:


Webpack configuration

If you use npm package I recommend you to use example config for webpack to handle less files:

  test: /\.less$/,
  loader: ExtractText.extract(
    'css!autoprefixer?browsers=Android >= 4 iOS >= 7' +

Building distribution

To build distribution for using as single css file in your project just run

make build

In build folder you will find android.css and ios.css and minimized versionf of it. Also there is android.html and ios.html as example of mark up supported elements. Just include CSS files in your project and start developing native looking app.