WMCore 1.4.0 services production release
In short, this release brings a substantial amount of changes to support Python3 within WMCore, depending on the python future
package. The majority of the work to integrate Rucio within WMCore MicroServices has been completed as well.
Changes since release: 1.3.6.
Release date: 15 Sept 2020.
Central services
- A substantial portion of the code now depends on the
python package, to support python 3 in parallel with python 2. - Rely on
to upload pypi packages #9780 - Bump rucio-clients from 1.22.2 to .1.23.0 #9846
- Added getAccountLimits method to the Rucio wrapper #9857
- MS: Track Rucio rule progress in MSMonitor #9881 #9899
- Use python and python libraries from CVMFS COMP under slc7_amd64_gcc630 #9819
- MSTransferor: support input data placement with Rucio #9759
- Default rucio rules to asynchronous #9759
- Rucio wrapper API to find where data is locked and available #9889
- Single node dataset-level subscription for DQMHarvest workflows #9889
- MS: Update MSOutput record schema #9901
- MS: Update schema for MSOutput records with OutputMap; Updated MSOutput logic #9904
- Added TiersToDM parameter to the campaign configuration #9906
- MSOutput: skip output data placement for Resubmission request type #9910
- MSOutput: support custodial/tape data placement #9911
- Added Rucio pick site function #9884
- MSOutput: PhEDEx/Rucio logic to decide which RSE to use for Tape transfers #9912
- Get block replicas info using the Rucio bulk API #9900
Bug Fixes
- Update Rucio get_account_usage to get_local_account_usage API #9850
- Update ParentageResolved flag for StepChains without parent as well #9865
- Do not send parent/child data to DBS if there is nothing to be fixed #9853
- Fix HEAD request via pycurl_manager; added a few extra getters #9855
- Improve py2 compatibility of WMException init #9868
- Fix Rucio rule creation when there are duplicate rules #9897
- Avoid failing MSTransferor cycle if Campaigns are misconfigured #9909
- Add MSOutput to WMCore diagram #9804
- Add MSOutput to Micro Services diagram. #9802
- Fix missing job report error codes #9781
- Update WMAgent and WMCore python requirements #9825
- Script to print a summary of LQEs stuck in Available for a given workflow #9863
- Support caching of RSE expressions in the Rucio wrapper #9892
- Use python and python libraries from CVMFS COMP under slc7_amd64_gcc630 #9819
- Use PSN as PNN for opportunistic diskless resources #9693
- Force HEPCloud resources to be down in the CERN agents #9844
Bug Fixes
- Add leading zeros to adler32 to ensure 8 chars length #9809
- Notify Todor upon component automatic restarts #9866
Python3 related changes
- PY3: PSetTweaks - compatible with both python2 and python3 #9740
- PY3: Utils - compatible with both python2 and python3 #9731
- PY3: Configuration - sys.version_info compatible with py2.6 #9839
- PY3: TestInit - Remove dependency on MySQL-python #9848
- PY3: update stdlib - not pickle #9762 #9875
- PY3: WMCore.Cache - compatible with both python2 and python3 #9818
- PY3: Properly deal with strings in REST/Main #9871