👋 Hello, folks! :
- 🖥 I'm product developer and technical writer based in Beijing, China.
- 🔍 I'm currently looking for remote work.
- 💼 Previously, I was working at @Douban
- ✍️ I wrote dev articles on My Blog
- 🧐 I'm Interested in full stack. Recent focus on backend.
- 🎮 I'm a console game fan and I have played many
🌈 Languages and Tools:
📫 How to Reach me:
📝 Blog posts:
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - Controlnet
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - 图生图(img2img)模式
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - 微调模型
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - VAE
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - Script
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - Extension
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - Textual Inversion(Embedding)
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - 如何使用Stable Diffusion?
- Stable Diffusion高级教程 - AIGC发展史和产品对比
- 使用基于GPT-4模型的IDE: Cursor用法全解读
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