To get started, install VirtualBox and Vagrant using Chocolatey ( you'll need a command window, personally I'm a fan of git bash on windows.
cinst virtualbox vagrant
Download the Vagrantfile by cloning this repository, then run the VagrantFile with vagrant up
git clone
cd aspnet-vagrant
vagrant up
Downloading the image and installing everything takes a few minutes. When it's done connect to the VM, and start the app.
vagrant ssh
cd ~/aspnetdemo/HelloWorldVNext/src/hellomvc
k web
the hellomvc site will be available on your local machine, as vagrant has been set up to forward port 5000.
Nano is a lightweight text mode editor that doesn't require a black belt in Finger-Fu to operate. To add C# syntax highlighting we copy and enable the csharp.nanorc
file included in this repository. Presuming you're already SSH'ed into the VM:
sudo cp /vagrant/csharp.nanorc /usr/share/nano/
echo 'include "/usr/share/nano/csharp.nanorc"' >> ~/.nanorc