This is mocha runtime reporter for the Report Portal.
It was designed to work with mocha programmatically, in order to be able to parametrize each test run.
npm install @reportportal/agent-js-mocha
Fill reporterOptions in Mocha configuration.
const Mocha = require("mocha");
let mochaMain = new Mocha({
reporter: '@reportportal/agent-js-mocha',
reporterOptions: {
"token": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"endpoint": "https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1",
"project": "YourReportPortalProjectName",
"launch": "YourLauncherName",
"attributes": [
"key": "YourKey",
"value": "YourValue"
"value": "YourValue"
Using .mocharc.js
module.exports = {
'extension': ['js', 'cjs', 'mjs'],
'package': './package.json',
reporter: '@reportportal/agent-js-mocha',
'file': [
You can find an example of using Mocha Reporter here.
Runs support following options:
Parameter | Description |
token | User's Report Portal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user. |
endpoint | URL of your server. For example 'https://server:8080/api/v1'. |
launch | Name of launch at creation. |
project | The name of the project in which the launches will be created. |
mode | Default: "default". Results will be submitting to Launches tab "debug" - Results will be submitting to Debug tab. |
rerun | Default: false. Enable rerun |
rerunOf | UUID of launch you want to rerun. If not specified, report portal will update the latest launch with the same name |
reportHooks | Default: false. Determines report before and after hooks or not. |
skippedIssue | Default: true. ReportPortal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate' items on WS side. Parameter could be equal boolean values: TRUE - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on Report Portal. FALSE - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application. |
The agent provides an API to extend the functionality of Mocha.
Import the PublicReportingAPI as shown below to use additional reporting features.
const PublicReportingAPI = require('@reportportal/agent-js-mocha/lib/publicReportingAPI');
PublicReportingAPI provides the following methods for reporting logs into the current test/step.
- log(level, message , file). Reports message and optional file with specified log level as a log of the current test. If called outside of the test, reports message as a log of the current suite.
level shoud be equal to one the following values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.
file should be an object:
name: "filename",
type: "image/png", // media type
content: data, // file content represented as 64base string
- trace (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test/suite with trace log level.
- debug (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test/suite with debug log level.
- info (message , file). Reports message and optional file as log of the current test/suite with info log level.
- warn (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test/suite with warning log level.
- error (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test/suite with error log level.
- fatal (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test/suite with fatal log level.
PublicReportingAPI provides the corresponding methods for reporting logs into the launch.
- launchLog (level, message , file). Reports message and optional file with the specified log level as a log of the current launch.
- launchTrace (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with trace log level.
- launchDebug (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with debug log level.
- launchInfo (message , file). Reports message and optional file as log of the launch with info log level.
- launchWarn (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with warning log level.
- launchError (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with error log level.
- launchFatal (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with fatal log level.
const PublicReportingAPI = require('@reportportal/agent-js-mocha/lib/publicReportingAPI');
it('test', () => {
const attachment = {
name: 'attachment.png',
type: 'image/png',
content: data.toString('base64'),
PublicReportingAPI.log('INFO', 'Info log message for test "test" with attachment', attachment);
PublicReportingAPI.launchLog('ERROR', 'Error log message for current launch with attachment', attachment);
PublicReportingAPI.trace('Trace log message for test "test"', attachment);
PublicReportingAPI.debug('Debug log message for test "test"');'Info log message for test "test" with attachment');
PublicReportingAPI.warn('Warning for test "test"');
PublicReportingAPI.error('Error log message for test "test"');
PublicReportingAPI.fatal('Fatal log message for test "test"');
addAttributes (attributes). Add attributes(tags) to the current test/suite. Should be called inside of corresponding test or suite.
attributes is array of pairs of key and value:
key: "attributeKey1",
value: "attributeValue2",
Key is optional field.
Mocha doesn't allow functional calls directly into describe section. You can call addAttributes inside of before/after hooks to add attributes to the corresponding suite.
const PublicReportingAPI = require('@reportportal/agent-js-mocha/lib/publicReportingAPI');
before(function (){
PublicReportingAPI.addAttributes([{ key: 'suiteAttr1Key', value: 'suiteAttr1Value' }, { value: 'suiteAttr2' }]);
it('test', () => {
PublicReportingAPI.addAttributes([{ key: 'testAttr1Key', value: 'testAttr1Value' }]);
PublicReportingAPI.addAttributes([{ value: 'testAttr2' }]);
To integrate with Sauce Labs just add attributes:
"key": "SLID",
"value": "# of the job in Sauce Labs"
}, {
"key": "SLDC",
"value": "EU (EU or US)"
setDescription (description). Set text description to the current test/suite. Should be called inside of corresponding test or suite.
Mocha doesn't allow functional calls directly into describe section. You can call setDescription inside of before/after hooks to set description to the corresponding suite.
const PublicReportingAPI = require('@reportportal/agent-js-mocha/lib/publicReportingAPI');
before(function (){
PublicReportingAPI.setDescription('suite description');
it('test', () => {
PublicReportingAPI.setDescription('test description');
setTestCaseId (testCaseId). Set test case id to the current test/suite. Should be called inside of corresponding test or suite.
Mocha doesn't allow functional calls directly into describe section. You can call setTestCaseId inside of before/after hooks to set test case id to the corresponding suite.
const PublicReportingAPI = require('@reportportal/agent-js-mocha/lib/publicReportingAPI');
before(function (){
it('test', () => {
PublicReportingAPI provides the following methods for setting status to the current suite/spec.
- setStatus(status). Assign status to the current test. If called outside of the test (for example in before/after hooks), status is assigned to the current suite.
status should be equal to one of the following values: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn.
You can use the shorthand forms of the setStatus method:
- setStatusPassed(). Assign passed status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusFailed(). Assign failed status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusSkipped(). Assign skipped status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusStopped(). Assign stopped status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusInterrupted(). Assign interrupted status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusCancelled(). Assign cancelled status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusInfo(). Assign info status to the current test or suite.
- setStatusWarn(). Assign warn status to the current test or suite.
There are also the corresponding methods for setting status into the launch:
- setLaunchStatus(status). Assign status to the launch.
status should be equal to one of the following values: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn. - setLaunchStatusPassed(). Assign passed status to the launch.
- setLaunchStatusFailed(). Assign failed status to the launch.
- setLaunchStatusSkipped(). Assign skipped status to the launch.
- setLaunchStatusStopped(). Assign stopped status to the launch.
- setLaunchStatusInterrupted(). Assign interrupted status to the launch.
- setLaunchStatusCancelled(). Assign cancelled status to the launch.
- setLaunchStatusInfo(). Assign info status to the launch.
const PublicReportingAPI = require('@reportportal/agent-js-mocha/lib/publicReportingAPI');
it('test info', function() {
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