First of all, I didn't invent new rules, methods or anything. It is just the combination of 7-1 folder structure from Sass Guidelines and @forward and @use method by Kevin Powell with some modifications on them. So, if you know these two, it's great! You can easily use this template in your Sass projects. However, if you are unaware of them, I highly recommend you to check out these two and come back to this template.
A basic understanding of:
- 7-1 folder structure
If you don't have Sass installed on your computer, you can install it by running npm install -g sass
in the command line. It will install it globally on your computer. If you want to use Sass only for this project and don't want to use globally, you can run npm install sass --save-dev
. It will install node_modules in order for Sass to compile your code into CSS.
After installation, run
npm run dev
Congrats! Sass is watching for changes.
|- abstracts/
| |- _variables.scss
| |- _colors.scss
| |- _type.scss
| |- _media-query.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- base/
| |- _root.scss
| |- _reset.scss
| |- _base_.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- vendors/
| |- _modern-reset.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- utilities/
| |- _composition.scss
| |- _typography_.scss
| |- _colors__.scss
| |- _exceptions.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- components/
| |- _buttons.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- layout/
| |- _header.scss
| |- _forms.scss
| |- _sidebar.scss
| |- _footer.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- pages/
| |- _about.scss
| |- _contact.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- themes/
| |- _theme.scss
| |- _admin.scss
| ...
| |- _index.scss
|- _shame.scss
|- style.scss
If you have created a file in one of these folders (except abstracts/
) and run into a problem that says "Undefined variable" or "Undefined mixin", make sure that at the top of your file. you have this line of code: @use "../abstracts" as *;
Aslo, when it doesn't compile your code in CSS, make sure that you have forwarded them in _index.scss
file in the same folder.
Block comments:
/* ==============================
* Components | Buttons
* ------------------------------ */
Inline comments:
/* primary
============== */
ATTENTION! Do not include block or inline comments in files located in the
folder. Becuase nothing fromabstracts/
folder is compiled in CSS, while comments will.
- Sass Guidelines
- @forward and @use explained by Kevin Powell
- Custom Props & Utility Classes with Sass by Kevin Powell