AutoStore project to simplify invoice scanning and retrieval
- AutoStore 7 or later
- MySQL 5.5 or later
- Webserver with PHP support
- PHP 5.0 or later
- MySQL Connector/ODBC Driver 5.3 or later
- English (en)
- Swedish (sv)
You can download the newest release at
If you prefer to follow the git repository, the following branch and tag names may be of interest
is the current stable releasetrunk
is the development branch
- Copy all the files from the www-dir to your webserver
- Import ssfs_mysql.sql to you mysql server
- Edit config.php located in to match your setup
- Open the example config in Autostore and modify to match your setup
- Edit the ssfs vbscript database config
In swedish it stands for "Sattans Snabb Faktura Sökning", translated into english that would be something like "Quick As Hell Invoice Search"
If you found a bug, got a great idea or just want to say hello. Send me a email on [email protected]
Released under the MIT license