Flying in Echelon
Presenting release Flying Echelon.
A TON of work went into this release from multiple authors, so thank you to everyone but a huge, mega thanks to @kadaan for all his help in the sensor decoders. His work should make it much easier to support all different kinds of decoding schemes in the future. It may not look like much from the actual changes to the user, but this release has had 154 commits with each one taking multiple hours of work.
The other contributor that has done a lot of work is @fireyeti , by spreading the word about our project via Instructables, YouTube and Reddit. He also built his own Non-PCB SmartSpin2K in the last couple weeks. If you haven't taken the time to check out his contributions, please look at the following links and share them with your friends.
I hear from @fireyeti that there's plenty more he has planned on this front as well as possibly gearing up to build some kits himself (I could use more help in this area as I'd like to focus my efforts in advancing the project with my limited time...even though I love to build stuff).
Also thank you to @jkbaker4 for his help getting Echelon working and @sspieser & @drz01 for their testing, & feedback as well as everyone else that has ordered the kits which helped provide the motivation to continue enhancing the project.
We've got some big features planned in the pipeline, and please, if anyone has any changes, enhancements or contributions they'd like to help out with on the project don't hesitate.
With all that, here's the changelog:
- SS2K BLE Server now accepts more than one simultaneous connection (you can not connect SS2K to both Zwift and another app simultaneously)
- Echelon bike is now supported
- SmartSpin2K.local more accessible with different browsers (fixed certain MDNS dropouts)
- Flywheel bike support built in (still untested)
- Backend (client) completely revamped to allow more device decoders, better stability, and faster network speeds.
- Lots of FTMS server and client polishing
- Added testing for decoders
- Versioning now comes from releases
- NimBLE library included
- Increased total max connections to 6 devices
- Refined debugging logs