This app is intented to show the list of popular tv shows from an external resource with their ratings, details and similar tv shows.
It only has 2 screens: TvShowListActivity and DetailsActivity
It was initially developed following some sort of MVP + viewModel pattern with Data Binding.
Google Jetpack
Recently Google has announced the Google Jetpack (libraries of the Architecture Components with an opinion on how to use them). So I decided to created another branch called "viewModel", where I converted the project to LiveData + ViewModel Architecture allowing me to remove the context reference I had to keep in my Presenters. I must say Google Engineers have done an awesome job with these libs and I plan to use them on new projects.
I created just one adapter for both the TvShowList index and the similar tv shows displayed for each movie. I did that because they were basically handling the same kind of object (TvShow) and I could pass the layout to be inflated as a parameter on the Adaper`s constructor.
Considerations about unit tests
Firstly I had written the unit tests using the MockWebServer lib, so I wouldn't have to mock my "Repositories", however I got the feedback from a friend telling me that was more of an Integration Test since I testing both the Presenter and the "Repository".
Due to this reason I rewrote the tests so they would mock the Repository with Mockito so I wouldn't depend on it and test the repository separately.
Libs Used
- Retrofit
- RxJava
- Mockito
- Mockito-kotlin
- Android Architecture Components (ViewModel and LiveData)
- Picasso
It uses the "The Movie Database" API (