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douglowe committed Aug 31, 2018
2 parents b844dc0 + 8fe3815 commit 38ca196
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Showing 2 changed files with 228 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
; Script for creating example emission source files.

load "./library_create_input_files.ncl"

lat_limits = (/20.0,40.0/)
lon_limits = (/300.0,320.0/)
lat_size = 20
lon_size = 20



Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
; library of functions for creating example input files for WRF_UoM_EMIT.

;;;; generic variable information for the new output files

Var_Dims = (/"Time", "emissions_zdim_stag", "south_north", "west_east"/)

GAS_NMVOC_Att = 0.0 ; NOTE: this must be a float variable in order for the fill value to work
GAS_NMVOC_Att@_FillValue = 9.96921e36
GAS_NMVOC_Att@FieldType = 104
GAS_NMVOC_Att@stagger = "Z"
GAS_NMVOC_Att@units = "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
GAS_NMVOC_Att@description = "EMISSIONS"
GAS_NMVOC_Att@MemoryOrder = "XYZ"

AERO_Att = 0.0
AERO_Att@_FillValue = 9.96921e36
AERO_Att@FieldType = 104
AERO_Att@stagger = "Z"
AERO_Att@units = "ug m^-2 s^-1"
AERO_Att@description = "EMISSIONS"
AERO_Att@MemoryOrder = "XYZ"

time_string_am = (/"2000-01-01_00:00:00","2000-01-01_01:00:00",\

time_string_pm = (/"2000-01-01_12:00:00","2000-01-01_13:00:00",\

function create_lat_lon_array(xlimits:float,lat_size:integer,lon_size:integer,latlon_flag:string)
local array

;; create array template, and add dimension labels
array = new((/lat_size,lon_size/),typeof(xlimits))
array!0 = "south_north"
array!1 = "west_east"

;; populate with lat or lon data
array1d = fspan(xlimits(0),xlimits(1),lat_size)
array1d := reshape(array1d,(/1,lat_size/))
do ii = 0,lon_size-1
array(:,ii) = (/array1d/)
end do
else if(latlon_flag.eq."longitudes")
array1d = fspan(xlimits(0),xlimits(1),lon_size)
do ii = 0,lat_size-1
array(ii,:) = (/array1d/)
end do
print("don't recognise latlon_flag string: "+latlon_flag)
end if
end if



procedure create_emission_source_file(fname:string,xlat_limits:float,xlon_limits:float,\
local OUTFILE, global_attnames, ig, dim_sizes, dim_names, dim_Unlim, \
xlat, xlon, times, var_names, var_types, tz_off

;;; check that OUTDIR exists - if not then create it
system("if ! test -d "+OUTDIR+" ; then mkdir "+OUTDIR+"; fi")

;;; ensure that we don't accidentally overwrite preexisting files
system("mv "+OUTDIR+wrfchem_scheme@$fname$+" "+OUTDIR+wrfchem_scheme@$fname$+".backup")
end if
;;; delete any broken files from previous attempts
system("rm "+OUTDIR+wrfchem_scheme@$fname$+".nc")
end if

;;; open the new files that we wish to create
;;; NOTE - NCL determines the format of the file by the file extension.
;;; We can't create a file without a file extension - so instead
;;; we will rename these files later (to make WRF-Chem happy).
OUTFILE = addfile(OUTDIR+wrfchem_scheme@$fname$+".nc","c")

;;; set global attributes
OUTFILE@information = "Example input file for WRF_UoM_EMIT. Output not intended for use with WRF-Chem."
OUTFILE@input_scheme = input_scheme

;;; get the dimension names and sizes from the input file
dim_sizes = (/lon_size,lat_size,1,19,12/)
dim_names = (/"west_east","south_north","emissions_zdim_stag","DateStrLen","Time"/)

;;; set all dimensions as Limited
dim_Unlim = new(dimsizes(dim_sizes),logical)
dim_Unlim(:) = False
;;; now find the Time dimension, and set that to Unlimited
dim_Unlim(ind(dim_names.eq."Time")) = True

;;; apply these dimensions to the output files
filedimdef( OUTFILE, dim_names, dim_sizes, dim_Unlim )

;;; create the variables that we're going to add to output file

;;; time array
times = tochar(time_string_am)
times!0 = "Time"
times!1 = "DateStrLen"

;;; latitude and longitude arrays
xlat = create_lat_lon_array(xlat_limits,lat_size,lon_size,"latitudes")
xlon = create_lat_lon_array(xlat_limits,lat_size,lon_size,"longitudes")

;;; copy common variables

filevardef(OUTFILE, "XLAT" ,typeof(xlat) ,getvardims(xlat))
filevardef(OUTFILE, "XLONG",typeof(xlon) ,getvardims(xlon))
filevardef(OUTFILE, "Times",typeof(times) ,getvardims(times))

filevarattdef(OUTFILE,"XLAT" ,xlat)
filevarattdef(OUTFILE,"XLONG" ,xlon)
filevarattdef(OUTFILE,"Times" ,times)

OUTFILE->XLAT = (/xlat/)
OUTFILE->XLONG = (/xlon/)
OUTFILE->Times = (/times/)

;;; create a variable for carrying timezone offset information
filevardef(OUTFILE, "TZ_Offset", "float", Var_Dims(2:3))
filevarattdef(OUTFILE, "TZ_Offset", TZ_Att)
OUTFILE->TZ_Offset = (/tz_off/)

;;; create the scheme-specific emission variables that we will use later

;;; gases first
var_names = variable_lists@$(/"GAS_"+wrfchem_scheme/)$
var_types = new(dimsizes(var_names),string)
var_types = "float"
filevardef(OUTFILE, var_names, var_types, Var_Dims )
filevarattdef(OUTFILE, var_names, GAS_NMVOC_Att)

;;; nmvoc's
var_names = variable_lists@$(/"NMVOC_"+wrfchem_scheme/)$
var_types = new(dimsizes(var_names),string)
var_types = "float"
filevardef(OUTFILE, var_names, var_types, Var_Dims )
filevarattdef(OUTFILE, var_names, GAS_NMVOC_Att)

;;; aerosol's
var_names = variable_lists@$(/"AERO_"+wrfchem_scheme/)$
var_types = new(dimsizes(var_names),string)
var_types = "float"
filevardef(OUTFILE, var_names, var_types, Var_Dims )
filevarattdef(OUTFILE, var_names, AERO_Att)

;;; tidy up after ourselves

;;; rename the created files in order to match WRF-Chem convention
system("mv "+OUTDIR+wrfchem_scheme@$fname$+".nc "+OUTDIR+wrfchem_scheme@$fname$)

end ;;;;; create_emission_files

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