Sure you can compile it, but here is a quick and easy way to get the job done.
NOTE: All the required files to run the demo are in this repo. You can skip the installation section for now.
You may find this section helpful when you are ready to integrate Tesseract in your app in c#.
- Consult the CI website (
- Go to the latest working build
- Choose 32 bit or 64 bit build
- Go to the Artifacts section
- Download the build and extract it somewhere
- Download the data files for the languages you want to support (
- Add the data files in the tessdata folder
- Implements something similar to the ParseText function (Program.cs)
- Open the solution on Visual Studio 2017 (Demo.sln)
- Run it
The ParseText function is thread-safe.
- Demo (C# solution)
- Samples (Images you want to extract text)
- tesseract-master.1153 (The build version I am gonna use for the demo)
- tessdata (data files for the languages)
- eng.traineddata
- fra.traineddata
- tessdata (data files for the languages)
Code released under the MIT license.