Pronouced - (ˈē-ˌmir')
Last Update: 16Jan24
Ymir is a 3D model manager. In a nutshell it is a light and local version of the website.
While I love what the folks at Prusa (and Free3D) are doing, I created Ymir for a few reasons. First I am selfish and dont want to share my models with the whole world. Second I wanted a model manager that can tie into my printer and print directly to it (yes I know about Octoprint. More on that later). I also did not want it to be tied to a specific printer brand like is. Right now Ymir will only connect to printers using OctoPrint.
I get why Prusa does that and Im cool with it. In fact I own a Prusa printer myself. But a lot of folks dont. Plus Im pretty sure my next printer is gonna be a Voron. Lastly I wanted something I could run locally and not have to create an account on. So since Im a somewhat technical guy I decided to just write my own.
- Your Name Here <-- Always looking for help (Especially with Testing Svelte Frontends)
- Add, edit, and delete model
- Search for models by name or tag
- View model details
- View model stl files in 3D
- View model print details from Gcode
- view model images
- Add notes about a model
- Tag models
- Add, remove printers
- Print models
- Import Models from local disk
And did I mention Ymir has a built-in STL viewer.
Binaries are available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. For linux distros you can also install it as a service for the backend and get a desktop icon to launch the UI (assuming you don't change the host or port. if you do update the desktop file accordingly) They can be found here
To build it you will need a few things installed:
- npm <-- There may be some other svelte dependencies. Please let me know if you run into some
- golang <-- This should be pretty self evident
- gox <- Used by the Makefile for cross-platform compilation
First Build the UI
cd front
npm run build
Then Build the API Server
make build
This will embed the UI in the go executable
deps Download and Install any missing dependecies
build Install missing dependencies. Builds binary in ./build
dist Creates a distribution
front Build the frontend UI
package Packages a build for distribution
tidy Verifies and downloads all required dependencies
fmt Runs gofmt on all source files
test Tests code coverage
testwithcoverge Tests code coverage
missing Displays lines of code missing from coverage. Puts report in ./build/coverage.out
vet Run go vet. Puts report in ./build/vet.out
reports Runs vet, coverage, and missing reports
clean Removes build, dist and report dirs
gencerts Generates a sample self signed cert and key to enable TLS
debug Print make env information
There are 2 components:
- The UI -- This is a Sveltekit app
- The API Server -- built in go
You can run the UI separately in dev mode with:
cd front
npm run dev
#Then run the backend server from either cli or your IDE
ymir [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command (each subcommand also has help)
import import command. Import models into ymir
serve Starts the ymir server
version Displays ymir version information
A default config file is in the config folder. Most of these config options should be pretty self-explanatory. But I'll add more docs in a bit.
printConfig = false
logFile = "log/ymir.log"
stdOut = true
fileOut = false
hostname = ""
port = "8081"
usehttps = false
TLSMinVersion = "1.2"
HttpTLSStrictCiphers = false
TLSCert = "ymir.crt"
TLSKey = "ymir.key"
enableCORS = true
JWTSecret = "abc123"
enabled = true
stdOut = false
fileOut = true
logFile = "log/ymir_http.log"
A users manual is coming soon.
- Config subcommand to generate a default config
- Full Docs site
- Clean up the codebase -- This was my first time creating a svelte app
- Refactor Svelte fetches -- reference