This ROS package provides teleoperation functionality through any websockets-enabled browser, allowing teleoperation through a variety of devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Android devices, and PCs.
A tutorial related to this package is available at
The package includes the following:
Nodes: roomba400_lightweight -- Provides interface to iRobot 400-series roombas through the SCI specification. Subscribes to the /cmd_vel topic. teleop_key -- Standard keyboard teleoperation through command line for debugging/testing/local control.
Control Interface: teleop.html -- forward-facing page for teleoperation through a browser
ROS package dependencies: Rosbridge (if using web interface) cereal_port
To run:
In a terminal:
roscore rosrun roomba_400_series roomba400_light_node (assumes robot is attached to /dev/ttyUSB0) rosrun rosbridge (Optional) if you don't have a webserver, cd to your /home directory with the teleop.html file and use the magic of python: python -m SimpleHTTPServer