The following repository is a collection of dotfiles and configuration that I personally use on my PCs. Feel free to contribute via PR and Issues ^^
This is my favourite shell, after over 9 years of bash. I feel like ZSH is more extensible than bash, and has a better community support .-. I use Oh-My-Zsh and, despite many people call it a bloatware, I only use few extensions. If you're here to complain about it, ask yourself if your brain is bloated with neurons :")
To install Oh-My-Zsh simply follow the instructions available on the official website here
To simplify the paths, I've installed Oh-My-Zsh in my ~/.zshsh
I use:
- Powerlevel-10K (which basically is an update of Powerlevel-9K. I haven't found yet any difference from Powerlevel-9K. Maybe I'm simply dumb and stoned atm)
- zsh-autosuggestions
- HeadsetControl since I own a pair of SteelSeries Arctis 7 2020 Edition ^^
- colorls
I applied a few tweaks on the default configuration for iTerm2 on macOS but it seems fine. You can see it here
I'm planning to migrate to Alacritty but still having issues with fonts and shit. I'll try to migrate asap to that beautiful terminal :c
Who doesn't yet use Visual Studio Code in 2021? If you aren't yet using it, DO IT!! JUST DO IT! It's totally worth it and doesn't weight too much if compared to other GUI editors like Sublime Text ecc.
Below a list of the extensions I'm currently using. Install them via cli ^^
- alefragnani.bookmarks
- alefragnani.project-manager
- chrisvltn.vs-code-semicolon-insertion
- codezombiech.gitignore
- coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- donjayamanne.git-extension-pack
- donjayamanne.githistory
- dotjoshjohnson.xml
- eamodio.gitlens
- formulahendry.code-runner
- gruntfuggly.todo-tree
- hookyqr.beautify
- idleberg.icon-fonts
- jakewilson.vscode-cdnjs
- james-yu.latex-workshop
- jcbuisson.vue
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- ms-python.python
- ms-toolsai.jupyter
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
- ms-vscode.cpptools
- msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
- naumovs.color-highlight
- octref.vetur
- oderwat.indent-rainbow
- platformio.platformio-ide
- shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
- shyykoserhiy.vscode-spotify
- slevesque.vscode-zipexplorer
- tchojnacki.cpp-compile
- thog.vscode-asl
- tomoki1207.pdf
- tyriar.theme-glacier
- tyriar.theme-pack
- tyriar.theme-sapphire
- wayou.vscode-icons-mac
- wayou.vscode-todo-highlight
- zignd.html-css-class-completion
- ziyasal.vscode-open-in-github
Honestly idk why I created this repository. I'm depressed af and pain in my chest is increasing day by day. I try to keep fighting it by playing LoL sometimes w my friends and helping people with macOS :c I hope that you enjoyed this repository and why not, keep in touch via GitHub ^^