Releases: drftpd-ng/drftpd
DrFTPD 4.0.11 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
- Remove traling dot from slave masks
- When we removed the windows specific renamethread + Queue this was changed in a broken way that breaks stuff.
- Rewrite of the remerge handling to reduce massive code duplication/re-use
- Many libs updated
DrFTPD 4.0.10 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
- Revert from commit "Using start method instead of run" (Exception in thread "RemergeThread-3" java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException)
- Test for mediainfo and mkvalidator and drop the plugin if they are unavailable. (This will force a protocol exception on master<->slave handshake of the master expects mediainfo plugin to be enabled)
DrFTPD 4.0.9 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
Improve Transfers handling
Improve logging
Remove all windows slave specific code (Transfer issues that did not complete)
Some code cleanups and improvements
Added M2TS for MediaInfo
Master/ and .bat (HEAP: Adding Xms which is equal to Xmx)
Hide logs and fix autofreespace shutdown [#251]
Many libs updated
DrFTPD 4.0.8 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
JDK17 Compatibility #269
Many libs updated
DrFTPD 4.0.7 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
Improve ftp session handling and makes bouncers work again
Purge all jar files in build and lib (master & slave) with mvn clean #249
Improvement: Clear IRC queue when disconnecting from irc manually #248
isDeleted() is called on a user during user connection acceptance could be NPE #246
Many libs updated
DrFTPD 4.0.6 release
DrFTPD 4.0.5 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
- Make the Ident lookup timeout configurable
- Change the default Ident lookup timeout from 10 seconds to 2 seconds
- Fix a bug introduced in the rewrite of Ident handling and move the Ident lookup to happen after it has been handed off to the executor
DrFTPD 4.0.4 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
Fixes / Improvments :
Upgrade to Java 15 (java 16 and higher are broken for json-io)
It's now possible to rescan a single file #202
Ident changes in 4.0.2 slowed down login, this has been addressed and fixed in #238
AutoFreeSpace plugin had some issues with possibly concurrent runners. Fixed in #239
Typo #240
Incomplete Catch : YOU'RE BEHIND A NAT ROUTER #227
The selection of a listening ip for the Master is not applied #226
SysOp IRC announce shows password for SITE PASSWD command investigate #223
PBSZ Mode #217
Fix socket binding to specific IP
Mediainfo disabled by default
Problem with the search command, the root path is not enforced during the search #220
site request - not checking if there is already a req with same name #210
Update find plugin from JPF to Reflections #225
Some find command options no longer work (mp3, flac, zipscript) #215
TLS1.3 Implementation #135
mirror.conf problems #180
Enable runtime reload of log4j2 config #222
Allow reload of log4j2 loglevel during runtime #221
Agecomparator contract violation #214
site new - comparison method violates its general contract #204
Do ident earlier #213
Ident #28
Plugin : fairness #139
Cannot run program "mediainfo": error=2, No such file or directory #196
Logs shows master trying to load empty slavename #207
Mirror not loading excludeSlaves #208
AutoFreeSpace and MirrorSettings fixes #205
MirrorSettings increments twice - Not loading all settings #206
Many libs updated
DrFTPD 4.0.0 release
This is a new major version, version 4.0.0.
Update code to work with OpenJDK 15
Migration to Maven
Migrate JUnit 4.x to JUnit 5.x
Migrate from Joda-Time to java.time
Set-up CircleCI for the project
Implement an way to upgrade user files from pre-4.0 to 4.0 -
DH1080 plugin - not performing DH quite correctly
Slaveselection should reload when adding a new slave
Archive issue #161
site renuser myself works but returns error
Tvmaze output
Speedtest.conf issues
Add missing DupeCheck permission extension
Improve ReplaceUtils handling and bugfix
site adduser might lead to unforeseen issues with the group style
Update start/stop scripts to be a bit more flexible and intuitive
Remove unnecessary \n as the printOutput in bot/ftp already handle this
tvmzae theme \n's are not needed
Unable to connect using a port bouncer bug
Create group entity/object to fix the misuse of groups
Mediainfo issues
AutoFreeSpace Plugin -
Improve 'site user' to allow anyone to use it and impose restrictions in code enhancement
Find a way to deamonize master/slave process
Dh1080 improvements
Update 'site ginfo' to improve the experience of the output
Improved group management - A gadmin can now manage multiple groups without having it as primary
Implement a way for users to kill their ghosts
Plugin: ghosts enhancement
Usermanager resethooks
Update processing of blowfish data
Re-work plugin
Rewrite Archive Plugin
DrFTPd 3.4.3 release
This is a maintenance release to include the improvements on the code since the last release.
- Bump some dependencies
- Allow change directory after nuke or delete