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Releases: drhagen/serialite

Serialite 0.3.5

25 Nov 17:30
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This version only formally adds Python 3.13 support.

Serialite 0.3.4

27 Mar 18:55
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This expands the range of supported FastAPI versions for serialite[fastapi] from 0.100 to 0.110 (latest version).

Serialite 0.3.3

25 Feb 12:04
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This release adds two features:

  • SetSerializer deserializes JSON arrays of unique items into Python sets. It is the default serializer for set[Element].
  • OrderedSetSerializer deserializes JSON arrays of unique items into ordered_set.OrderedSets from the ordered-set distribution. It is the default serializer for OrderedSet[Element]. The ordered-set distribution must be installed for this serializer to be available.

Serialite 0.3.2

14 Oct 13:10
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This release adds one feature and two Python versions. This is also the first release completely built and published using a GitHub Actions workflow.

  • Support terminal "Z" in datetime serializer
  • Add support for Python 3.11 and 3.12

Serialite 0.3.1

13 Oct 00:50
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This is the first public release of Serialite, a new serialization and deserialization library for Python. The core functionality is implemented and tested. The documentation is still lacking.

  • Serializer: The main abstract base class
  • Serializable: The abstract base class for classes that can serialize and deserialize instances of themselves
  • SerializableMixin: Provides an implementation for the Serializable interface given that the class attribute __fields_serializer__ is implemented as an instance of FieldsSerializer
  • AbstractSerializableMixin: Provides an implementation for the Serializable interface for a sealed class given that the class attribute __subclass_serializers__ is implemented
  • serializable: A decorator that provides an implementation of Serializable when applied to a dataclass
  • abstract_serializable: Provides an implementation of Serializable when applied to a sealed class, using the _type key as a discriminator and the names of the subclasses as the values
  • If installed, fastapi and pydantic are monkey patched to allow Serialite Serializables to work as Pydantic BaseModels in FastAPI endpoints