18th September 2014
Breaking Changes
- The 'file' field in generated events has been renamed to 'path'. This
normalises the events with those generated by Logstash itself, and means the
filter's defaultstream_identity
setting is compatible.
- Fix connection failure and retry sometimes entering an unrecoverable state
that freezes log shipping - Fix ProtocolError with large log packets and on idle connections (since 0.13)
- Provide more information when the gem encounters ProtocolError failures
- Fix ssl_verify usage triggering error, "Either 'ssl_verify_default_ca' or
'ssl_verify_ca' must be specified when ssl_verify is true" (#41) - Fix (#45)
- Restore message reliability and correctly perform partial ack. Since 0.9 a
full event spool from log-courier could be lost (default 1024) instead of just - Significantly improve Log Courier gem performance within JRuby by switching
JrJackson parse mode from string to raw+bigdecimal - Add unix domain socket support to the administration connection
- Provide publisher connection status via the administration connection
- Gracefully handle lines greater than 1 MiB in size by splitting and tagging
them, and make the size configurable (#40)