- Updated Combine_Results.R script to provide unassigned if multiple demultiplexing software call a singlet but do not match or return unassigned
- Updated upset plots in Combine_Results.R script to provide more information and functionality
- Fixed order of software in resulting upset plot for easy comparison across pools
- Provide more messages in Combine_Results.R scripts to notify when unexpected behavior of cell assignment is observed
- Add functionality to provide a filtered barcode list to scds, scDblFinder, DoubletDetection and Scrublet if don't want to process all the barcodes in the filtered matrix or h5 file
- Updated issue with h5 handling in scds and scDblFinder scripts
- Fixed missing
-N $N
in Vireo command when only some genotyped individuals - Provided filtered vcf files of common SNPs from 1000G for users
- Provided documentation about how to integrate Demuxafy results into single cell objects in
(Seurat) andpython
(AnnData) - Add singularity binding reminders below first singularity commands on each page