#Pika Extension for Flask This extension provides a simple way to expose a Pika channel per request over a per thread connection to an AMQP server.
Once a channel is obtained, use it as you would any normal Pika channel.
##Initializing the Pika object Simply initialize the Flask Pika instance with the app and a Pika connection params object.
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.pika import Pika as FPika
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['PIKA_PARAMS'] = {
'host':'amqp host', //amqp.server.com
'username': 'username',
'password': 'password',
'port': 5672, //amqp server port
'virtual_host':'vhost' //amqp vhost
fpika = FPika()
##Using the Pika object Use the pika object you created and get a channel.
Flask Pika will create a channel per request and take care of closing it for you on request end.