Various utilities for developing Drovp plugins.
npm install @drovp/utils
Utilities are split into namespaces they are made for, therefore they need to be required/imported with @drovp/utils/<namespace>
Example importing from modal-window
const {foo} = require('@drovp/utils/modal-window');
Import with @drovp/utils/modal-window
const {getPayload, resolve, openContextMenu} = require('@drovp/utils/modal-window');
Importing/requiring from this namespace has a side effect of automatically setting up context menus for basic text editing and stuff like Toggle devtools/Inspect element when development mode is enabled.
function getPayload<Payload>(): Promise<Payload>;
Retrieves the payload you've passed in when opening this modal window.
function resolve(payload: unknown): void;
Resolves the current modal window with a payload to make available in your preparator. Example:
function operationPreparator(payload, utils) {
const result = utils.openModalWindow('modal.html', payload);
if (result.canceled) return null; // Cancels the operation
return result.payload; // Proceeds the operation with new/modified payload
Window is closed immediately afterwords.
In case you want to just close the window, which will cause the modal result be {canceled: true, payload: undefined}
, simply call window.close()
function showOpenDialog(options: OpenDialogOptions): Promise<OpenDialogReturnValue>;
Electron's showOpenDialog.
function showSaveDialog(options: SaveDialogOptions): Promise<OpenDialogReturnValue>;
Electron's showSaveDialog.
function openContextMenu(items: MenuItemConstructorOptions[]): Promise<void>;
Opens a context menu with items
in it. MenuItemConstructorOptions
is a plain object with Electron's MenuItem
properties on it. Resolves with void
when menu has been closed, and clicked item's handler executed.
await openContextMenu([
label: 'Foo',
click: () => console.log('foo'),
{type: 'separator'},
type: 'submenu',
label: 'Submenu',
submenu: [
label: 'Bar',
click: () => console.log('bar'),
When you're opening context menu from a contextmenu
event listener, you have to prevent the default action otherwise it'll be taken over by the global context menus:
someElement.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => {
When development mode is enabled, context menu items such as Toggle devtools and Inspect element are added automatically to every context menu.