v0.0.1 (2016/11/14 21:10 +00:00)
- a84e549 Provide nice Makefile to build releases (@drscream)
- 2037d8c Typo for OutputPathTemplate (@drscream)
- 968dc0c Fixing undefined variables for output path (@drscream)
- 043978b Fix path and README to work with the current packer.io version (@drscream)
- d688ab4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'ttaylor249/develop' (@drscream)
- 757ce8e Merge remote-tracking branch 'rozha/master' (@drscream)
- 55e317b change github import (@ryanquinlan)
- 638f1ae testing install fix for new packer API (@ryanquinlan)
- 7f77a9f Define p.cfg.BuildName (@rozha)
- 7f7a9b7 Update main.go (@rozha)
- d145fa2 Fix compatibility with current Packer (@rozha)
- 567365d Fixed rendering of target value. (@ttaylor249)
- 3ca83f0 Attempt to make plugin work with packer 0.8.2. (@ttaylor249)
- 95d584f Return nil (@iancmcc)
- 91e54bf Strip DVD/floppy drives from the VMX before converting. (@iancmcc)
- #2 Merge pull request iancmcc#2 from krobertson/master (@krobertson)
- 0701d75 Fixed issue with a blank arg to ovftool and bad string formatting (@krobertson)
- 341e00d Another small formatting change. (@iancmcc)
- bc66ccf Small formatting change (@iancmcc)
- 66ce6be Add docs (@iancmcc)
- 6c5108c Update for v2 API (@iancmcc)
- 04fd1b8 Refactoring to resemble packer's own package structure (@iancmcc)
- 7d8d541 v1 API post processor (@iancmcc)
- ddc1f80 Initial commit (@iancmcc)