ClassInspector is a simple utility class that allows access to private members of a class instance. Can be useful when you don't want to use reflections but still need to somehow access that sweat private/protected data or for testing purposes, whatever floats your boat.
class TestClass
private $privateProperty = 1;
private function privateMethod() { return 2; }
$i = new ClassInspector(new TestClass());
// Now you can access private and protected parts of the original class as if they were public
$i->privateProperty = null;
If you want to access a private properties of one of the parent classes you need to specify the third parameter with the class name.
class ParentClass
private $parentPrivateProperty = 1;
class ChildClass extends ParentClass
private $childPrivateProperty = 2;
$i = new ClassInspector(new ChildClass(), ParentClass::class);
$i(ChildClass::class); // Need to change scope for the next line to work
Example of inspecting static properties/methods
class TestClass
private static $privateProperty = 1;
private static function privateMethod() { return 2; }
$i = ClassInspector::staticInspector(TestClass::class);
// Now you can access private and protected parts of the original class as if they were public
$i->privateProperty = null;
// Unset for static properties is not supported
ClassInspector is published under the MIT license