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github-actions[bot] committed Jul 16, 2024
1 parent 4bc20bb commit df0ff2d
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Showing 73 changed files with 62,772 additions and 63,013 deletions.
1,367 changes: 678 additions & 689 deletions bench/clamav/optimized/matcher-ac.c.ll

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

53 changes: 31 additions & 22 deletions bench/cmake/optimized/content_stream.cpp.ll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -483,27 +483,36 @@ _ZN3dap13ContentReader5matchEPKc.exit.thread: ; preds = %_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE

54: ; preds = %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader5matchEPKc.exit.thread
%55 = tail call noundef zeroext i1 @_ZN3dap13ContentReader6bufferEm(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(100) %1, i64 noundef 1)
br i1 %55, label %56, label %.preheader62
br i1 %55, label %56, label %.preheader65

56: ; preds = %54
%57 = load ptr, ptr %50, align 8
%58 = load i8, ptr %57, align 1
%59 = zext i8 %58 to i32
%memchr = tail call ptr @memchr(ptr noundef nonnull dereferenceable(1) @.str.2, i32 %59, i64 3)
%.not.i = icmp eq ptr %memchr, null
br i1 %.not.i, label %.preheader62, label %60
switch i8 %58, label %.preheader65 [
i8 32, label %59
i8 9, label %memchr.case61
i8 0, label %memchr.case62

60: ; preds = %56
memchr.case61: ; preds = %56
br label %59

memchr.case62: ; preds = %56
br label %59

59: ; preds = %56, %memchr.case62, %memchr.case61
%memchr.idx = phi i64 [ 1, %memchr.case61 ], [ 2, %memchr.case62 ], [ 0, %56 ]
%60 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr @.str.2, i64 %memchr.idx
%61 = load ptr, ptr %51, align 8
%62 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %61, i64 -1
%.not.i.i18 = icmp eq ptr %57, %62
br i1 %.not.i.i18, label %65, label %63

63: ; preds = %60
63: ; preds = %59
%64 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %57, i64 1
br label %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit

65: ; preds = %60
65: ; preds = %59
%66 = load ptr, ptr %52, align 8
tail call void @_ZdlPv(ptr noundef %66) #16
%67 = load ptr, ptr %53, align 8
Expand All @@ -518,16 +527,16 @@ _ZN3dap13ContentReader5matchEPKc.exit.thread: ; preds = %_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE
_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit: ; preds = %63, %65
%storemerge.i.i = phi ptr [ %64, %63 ], [ %69, %65 ]
store ptr %storemerge.i.i, ptr %50, align 8
%71 = load i8, ptr %memchr, align 1
%71 = load i8, ptr %60, align 1
%.not = icmp eq i8 %71, 0
br i1 %.not, label %.preheader62, label %54, !llvm.loop !15
br i1 %.not, label %.preheader65, label %54, !llvm.loop !15

.preheader62: ; preds = %56, %54, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit
.preheader65: ; preds = %56, %54, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit
%72 = tail call noundef zeroext i1 @_ZN3dap13ContentReader6bufferEm(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(100) %1, i64 noundef 1)
br i1 %72, label, label %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread.thread ; preds = %.preheader62, %89
%.01463 = phi i64 [ %93, %89 ], [ 0, %.preheader62 ] ; preds = %.preheader65, %89
%.01466 = phi i64 [ %93, %89 ], [ 0, %.preheader65 ]
%73 = load ptr, ptr %50, align 8
%74 = load i8, ptr %73, align 1
%75 = zext i8 %74 to i32
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,19 +574,19 @@ _ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24: ; preds = %79, %81
br i1 %88, label %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread, label %89

89: ; preds = %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24
%90 = mul i64 %.01463, 10
%90 = mul i64 %.01466, 10
%91 = sext i8 %87 to i64
%92 = add i64 %90, -48
%93 = add i64 %92, %91
%94 = tail call noundef zeroext i1 @_ZN3dap13ContentReader6bufferEm(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(100) %1, i64 noundef 1)
br i1 %94, label, label %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread, !llvm.loop !16

_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread: ; preds = %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24, %89,
%.014.lcssa = phi i64 [ %.01463, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24 ], [ %93, %89 ], [ %.01463, ]
%.014.lcssa = phi i64 [ %.01466, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24 ], [ %93, %89 ], [ %.01466, ]
%95 = icmp eq i64 %.014.lcssa, 0
br i1 %95, label %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread.thread, label %101

_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread.thread: ; preds = %.preheader62, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread
_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread.thread: ; preds = %.preheader65, %_ZN3dap13ContentReader8matchAnyEPKc.exit24.thread
call void @_ZNSaIcEC1Ev(ptr noundef nonnull align 1 dereferenceable(1) %4) #15
%96 = invoke noundef ptr @_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE13_M_local_dataEv(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(32) %0)
to label %.noexc25 unwind label %99
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -734,10 +743,10 @@ _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC2IS3_EEPKcRKS3_.exit55: ;

139: ; preds = %.preheader, %_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE9pop_frontEv.exit
%140 = phi ptr [ %.pre, %.preheader ], [ %storemerge.i, %_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE9pop_frontEv.exit ]
%.067 = phi i64 [ 0, %.preheader ], [ %154, %_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE9pop_frontEv.exit ]
%.070 = phi i64 [ 0, %.preheader ], [ %154, %_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE9pop_frontEv.exit ]
%141 = load i8, ptr %140, align 1
invoke void @_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9push_backEc(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(32) %0, i8 noundef signext %141)
to label %142 unwind label %.loopexit61
to label %142 unwind label %.loopexit64

142: ; preds = %139
%143 = load ptr, ptr %50, align 8
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -765,11 +774,11 @@ _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC2IS3_EEPKcRKS3_.exit55: ;
_ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE9pop_frontEv.exit: ; preds = %146, %148
%storemerge.i = phi ptr [ %147, %146 ], [ %152, %148 ]
store ptr %storemerge.i, ptr %50, align 8
%154 = add nuw i64 %.067, 1
%154 = add nuw i64 %.070, 1
%exitcond.not = icmp eq i64 %154, %.014.lcssa
br i1 %exitcond.not, label %.loopexit, label %139, !llvm.loop !26

.loopexit61: ; preds = %139
.loopexit64: ; preds = %139
%lpad.loopexit = landingpad { ptr, i32 }
br label %155
Expand All @@ -779,8 +788,8 @@ _ZNSt5dequeIhSaIhEE9pop_frontEv.exit: ; preds = %146, %148
br label %155

155: ; preds = %.loopexit.split-lp, %.loopexit61
%lpad.phi = phi { ptr, i32 } [ %lpad.loopexit, %.loopexit61 ], [ %lpad.loopexit.split-lp, %.loopexit.split-lp ]
155: ; preds = %.loopexit.split-lp, %.loopexit64
%lpad.phi = phi { ptr, i32 } [ %lpad.loopexit, %.loopexit64 ], [ %lpad.loopexit.split-lp, %.loopexit.split-lp ]
tail call void @_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev(ptr noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(32) %0) #15
br label %156

Expand Down

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