With this script, You can make a website for your game server.
Support : AzerothCore, TrinityCore, AshamaneCore, CMangos.
Enable gmp, gd, soap, mbstring, pdo and pdo-mysql.
- Install requirments.
- Download project & unzip.
- Go to
folder and changeconfig.php.sample
file name toconfig.php
- Open the config file and set your server data.
- Enjoy that.
If you got a blank screen, You can enable debug_mode
in the config file.
- Register Page (Support Vanilla/TBC/WotLK/MoP/WoD/Legion/BFA)
- Online Players Status (Multi-Realm support).
- Show TOPs by Playtime, Kills, Honor Point, Arena Point, Arena Team (Multi-Realm support).
- How to connect Page.
- Contact us page.
- Multiple template (Light, Icecrown, Kaelthas, Advance, Battle for Azeroth).
- Change Password (4/10/2019).
- Restore Password (5/31/2019).
- Vote System (4/03/2020).
- Support HCaptcha/Recaptcha v2 (7/27/2020).
- Support Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) (7/28/2020).
- Multi-Language support (9/10/2020) (Support: 🇬🇧 English, 🇮🇷 Persian, 🇮🇹 Italian, 🇨🇳 Chinese-simplified, 🇹🇼 Chinese-traditional, 🇸🇪 Swedish, 🇫🇷 French, 🇩🇪 German, 🇪🇸 Spanish, 🇰🇷 Korean, 🇷🇺 Russian).
2.0.2 (2/24/2021):
- Language changer added. (Thanks to DuelistRag3)
2.0.1 (2/20/2021):
- Support SRP6 for CMangos.
2.0.0 (8/03/2020):
- Added Battle for Azeroth template.
1.9.9 (8/03/2020):
- Multi-Language support.
1.9.8 (8/03/2020):
- Support SRP6.
1.9.7 (7/28/2020):
- Support Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Fixed a low-level vulnerability. (UPDATE TO THIS VERSION)
- Fixed some of the bugs.
- Allow running
account set addon
command after registration. (SOAP registration)
1.9.6 (7/27/2020):
- Support HCaptcha/Recaptcha/Image captcha.
- Fixed page load speed!
- Add more description for the config file.
- Update composer packages.
1.9.5 (4/17/2020):
- Register/Restore Password via SOAP. (Support CMangos)
1.9.4 (4/03/2020):
- Vote Added.
1.9.3 (4/02/2020):
- Added a new template.
1.9.2 (3/31/2020):
- Fixed some of the issues.
1.9.1 (3/12/2020):
- Check the PHP version.
1.9 (3/12/2020):
- Allow using an email for multiple accounts. (For non-battle.net servers)
- Replace Email to username for change password and restore password. (For non-battle.net servers)
- Add an option to enable or disable top players and online players.
Need more screenshots? Check here
Author : Amin.MasterkinG
English/Persian by Amin.MasterkinG
Italian by Helias
Chinese-simplified/Chinese-traditional by Coolzoom
Swedish by Kitzunu
French by Kalorte
German by DuelistRag3
Spanish by xjose93
Korean by KOREAFTP
Russian by Haeniken