If you try to run docker on a VM, then from host run: i.
Set-VMProcessor [VMName] -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true
Restore packages: i. dotnet build --no-cache
Publish .NET app: i. .NET CLI: dotnet publish -c Release
build for docker i. console: docker build -t foobar_core_01containerreg.azurecr.io/foofar_core_01-image -f Dockerfile .
Manage a container - sample commands: i. docker start foofar_core_01 i. docker stop foofar_core_01 i. docker attach --sig-proxy=false foofar_core_01 i. docker stop foofar_core_01 i. delete: docker rm foofar_core_01
Push to Azure Container Registry i. az login --use-device-code --tenant [MY-TANANT-UUID] i. az acr login --name fooBar_core_01containerreg i. optionally (if did not tag before): docker tag foofar_core_01-image fooBar_core_01containerreg.azurecr.io/foofar_core_01-image i. docker push fooBar_core_01containerreg.azurecr.io/foofar_core_01-image
#Usefull commands:
- docker images - lista zainstalowanych obrazów
- docker ps -a - lista kontenerów zainstalowanych (uruchomionych i zatrzymanych)
- docker start [id]
- docker stop [id]
- docker attach [id] - podłączenie pod stdio
- docker exec -it [id] bash - połączenie do basha kontenera