A Kanvas demo is hosted under https://kanvas-demo.tzconnect.berlin. Accompanying administration website (through which NFTs are created) is hosted under https://admin.kanvas-demo.tzconnect.berlin.
In the admin website, you may login as an editor
with following credentials:
- username: [email protected]
- password: editor
With this editor role, you are allowed to propose NFTs (you can create NFTs, and edit their various attributes until it gets to a state where a moderator
must approve it. You may also edit anyone elses' created NFT when the NFT is in the setup state.
On the store, you may login with your own Tezos wallet or with Kukai (social login). Feel free to "purchase" NFTs, currently only Stripe is supported for payments. In this demo deployment Stripe is in a test mode, where you don't have to provide a real creditcard, and payments go through without any actual money involved. Use this test creditcard: 4242 4242 4242 4242
, with any expiration set in the future, and any CVC.
Kanvas exists of 6 components:
- Store Postgresql database (we'll refer to this with Store PG)
- Store API
- Store Front
- Admin Postgresql database (we'll refer to this with Admin PG)
- Admin API
- Admin Front
The Store components together provide the NFT store where your platform's users can browse, purchase, collect your NFTs.
The Admin components together provide a role-based moderated NFT creation system, plus some store analytics. Ultimately,
created NFTs from Admin arrive in the Store's nft
table. One can therefore easily replace Admin with something else
that determines the nft
table entries.
Both APIs target their own Postgresql database (that may or may not be on the same Postgresql server). The Store PG is
replicated into the Admin PGs server under store_replication
database name, for two reasons:
- It allows us to perform sales analytics queries in the Admin API that may induce some load on Postgresql, without affecting the Store performance (assuming we're running the 2 database components on a separate server).
- It gives us some backup functionality of the Store PG.
The most straightforward way of running locally is with Docker. We've prepared a docker-compose.yml.
-- the version installed by ubuntu 20 using apt does not work, get the most recent from https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
and npm
: get npm from https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm and install yarn using npm install -g yarn
You will need to have the following set up prior to installation
- an S3 account, its access key and secret
- a Pinata account, its API key and secret
- a Stripe account, its secret and webhook secret
- a minter address on whatever testnet you are using
Put these together into the file kanvas/store-api-server/.env
which will look like this:
Now all that's needed is to run docker-compose up
in order to run the back-end components.
The front-end components run outside of docker, because they are trivial to run, and this makes development of the user interface much easier.
yarn global add serve
To run the front-end components you will once more need .env
in store-front/.env
and in admin-front/.env
Once env variables are set you will have to build the two projects (in two different screens):
yarn build
After build completed:
cd kanvas
and for the admin front end:
The default ports are as follows:
- Store PG
- Store API
- Admin API
- Admin PG
Alternatively, there's also scripts in each components' script/
directory that can be called, or/and scripts in the git root deploy-scripts/
directory. This allows to run on your native machine, rather than through Docker. But it also requires some effort in glueing the different components together through correctly defined ENV variables.
There's currently only documentation ready for the Store API:
We use Peppermint for minting NFTs (in other words, our write actions), and Que Pasa for reading what has actually happened onchain (to verify whether minting was succesfull, but also to pickup on NFT ownership transfers).
This section is to be further explained soon (eg, need to document how to setup and start these tools, and characterize what kind of highlevel approach this gives us).