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DUONG Phu-Hiep edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 16 revisions

My collection of many small useful code-snippet .net, wrapping in reusable library with unobtrusive dependencies.

Some of the most-used library are published on nuget.

Here is some brief introduction code. Navigate to the code and unit test samples for more information.


  • No dependencies
  • Use to display some C# object.


  • Know to convert a IEnummerable to string in order do display in a log message
var arr = new string[1000] {"item1".."item1000"};
arr.Display().SeparatedBy("; ").MaxItems(4)


{ item1; item2; item3; item4; ..and 996 (of 1000) more }
  • If some items in the array are very long. We should limit the length of individual item with MaxItemLength() so that long items will be displayed with ... ellipsis
var arr = new string[1000] {"Lorem ipsum kidda foom", "item2".."item1000"};


{ [[Lorem...]], item2, item3, item4, ..and 996 (of 1000) more }
  • Fast performance it only iterate neccessary items once (complexity O(N))
  • see more functionalities in code and test


convert Stopwatch to string

Stopwatch sw;
Console.WriteLine(sw.DisplayMili()); //get the display string in mili seconds "103 ms"
Console.WriteLine(sw.DisplayMicro()); //get the display string in micro seconds "103,000 mcs"
Console.WriteLine(sw.Display()); //automaticly choose a time unit (day, hour, minute, seconde..) to display



In a Unit test project, or a temporary console application, you donnot have to configure the log4net.config any more.





it will setup a typical log4net appender so that you can use them in your test application. Example:

public class ArrayDisplayerTests
	private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (ArrayDisplayerTests));

	public static void SetUp(TestContext testContext)
		//or Log4NetQuickSetup.SetUpFile("mytest.log");

	public void DisplayTest()
		Log.Info("it will display to the Console");
		//or to the file if you use SetUpFile()

See also code-snippet to quickly configure log4net in a C# project


use it to read app.config

Example app.config of your application

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<add key="connectionString" value="Server=localhost;Database=foo"/>
		<add key="activePingService" value="true"/>
		<add key="pollIteration" value="100"/>

You can read these value in your C# application

ConfigReader.Read<string>("connectionString", "a default value if config not found");
ConfigReader.Read<bool>("activePingService", false);
ConfigReader.Read<int>("pollIteration", -1);


Micro-benchmark a part of code to investigate on performance

class MyCalculator 
	private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyCalculator));

	public void Process()
		using (var etw = ElapsedTimeWatcher.Create(Log, "blockCodeName"))
		    etw.Info("step 1");
		    etw.DebugFormat("step 2");
		    etw.Info("Step 3)");
		} //"sum up log" is displayed here 
  • The etw wrap the usual logger Log, we use etw to log message instead of the usual Log
  • the blockCodeName is repeated in the start of each log message, so that we can filter log message by "blockCodeName"
  • Each log message will display the elapsed time (in micro-second) since the last log message.
  • A sum up log will display the total elapsed time (in micro-second) when the etw object is disposed.
22:56:59,866 [DEBUG] Begin blockCodeName
22:56:59,970 [INFO ] blockCodeName - 102350 mcs - step 1
22:57:00,144 [DEBUG] blockCodeName - 173295 mcs - step 2
22:57:00,259 [INFO ] blockCodeName - 114036 mcs - Step 3)
22:57:00,452 [INFO ] End blockCodeName : Total elapsed 585436 mcs

Auto Jump Log Level

var etw = ElapsedTimeWatcher.Create(Log, "checkIntraday").InfoEnd().AutoJump(150, 250).AutoJumpLastLog(500, 1000)
  • The log level will auto jump to INFO if the elapsed time exceeds 150 ms
  • The log level will auto jump to WARN if the elapsed time exceeds 250 ms
  • The above sum up log will switch to INFO if the total elapsed time exceeds 500 ms
  • The above sum up log will switch to WARN if the total elapsed time exceeds 1 sec

Customize Start Context and End context

var etw = ElapsedTimeWatcher.Create(Log, "foo", "Start_context", "End_context");

will give

22:56:59,866 [DEBUG] Begin Start_context
22:56:59,970 [INFO ] foo - 102350 mcs - step 1
22:57:00,144 [DEBUG] foo - 173295 mcs - step 2
22:57:00,259 [INFO ] foo - 114036 mcs - Step 3)
22:57:00,452 [INFO ] End End_context : Total elapsed 585436 mcs

We often display the parameter of the functions in the "Start context". Example:

public void process(string val, bool useCache)
	var context = string.Format("process(val={0}, useCache={1})", val, useCache);
	using (var etw = ElapsedTimeWatcher.Create(Log, "process", context))
	    etw.Info("step 1");
	    etw.DebugFormat("step 2");
	    etw.Info("Step 3)");
	} //"sum up log" is displayed here 

will give

22:56:59,866 [DEBUG] Begin process(val=Lorem ipsum, useCache=true)
22:56:59,970 [INFO ] process - 102350 mcs - step 1
22:57:00,144 [DEBUG] process - 173295 mcs - step 2
22:57:00,259 [INFO ] process - 114036 mcs - Step 3)
22:57:00,452 [INFO ] End process(val=Lorem ipsum, useCache=true) : Total elapsed 585436 mcs


Avoid redundancy of pure ADO.NET code

string qry = "SELECT.. FROM.. WHERE ArtApproved = @Approved AND ArtUpdated > @Updated AND name <> @Foo";
using (AdoHelper db = new AdoHelper(connectionString))
	using (SqlDataReader rdr = db.ExecDataReader(qry, 
	    "@Approved", true,
	    "@Foo", "Bazz", 50 //50 is the parameter length to optimize query cache in some case
	    "@Fuu", "Beuh", //also a varchar parameter, but I do not declare the length (not recommended)
	    "@Holly", null, //will be replaced by DBNull value
	    "@Updated", new DateTime(2011, 3, 1)))
	    while (rdr.Read())
	        rdr.GetValue<int?>("views"); //no need to check null value anymore



using(TimedLock.Lock(obj, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
    //Thread safe operations
  • The "synchronized code" will wait for other lock on obj free.
  • TimeOutException if the lock acquiring is longer than 10 sec


static readonly NamedLocker<string> CustomerLocker = new NamedLocker<string>();
customerLocker.RunWithLock("Peter.Buy", () =>
	//synchronized code
  • The "synchronized code" will wait for other "Peter.Buy"` key free.


static readonly MultiNamedTimedLocker<string> CustomerLocker = new MultiNamedTimedLocker<string>();

using (customerLocker.Lock(new[] {"peter", "david"}, 100))
	//synchronized code
  • The "synchronized code" will wait until the "peter" and "david" key of the CustomerLocker object are free.
  • After 100 mili-second of waiting: TimeOutException