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DUONG Phu-Hiep edited this page Apr 7, 2016 · 1 revision
		public void Login_fail_password_incorrect()
			//ElapsedTimeWatcher is used to log the benchmark on execution time:
			using (var etw = ElapsedTimeWatcher.Create(Log, "LoginFail"))
				var returnStatus = -2;

				using (var db = new AdoHelper(ConnectionString))
					etw.Debug("Connect to Database OK");

					var returnStatusParam = new SqlParameter("@returnStatus", SqlDbType.Int) { Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue };

											"@login", "society",
											"@mdp", getMD5("fauxpassword"), 256, //256 is the size of the parameter
											"@is_marque_blanche", false,
											"@func_type", 110,

					etw.Debug("Exec sproc OK");

					returnStatus = Convert.ToInt32(returnStatusParam.Value);

				Assert.AreEqual(1, returnStatus);