During the last term of my M.S. in Computer Science program at Johns Hopkins, I took an Independent Study course with Dr. Wiley focused on Cellular Automata (CA). We investigated a total of five CA models. The repository contains code for those models, namely Schelling's model of segregation, BZ reaction, Gray-Scott model, SIR epidemic model with rats, lasers, and quadrature-amplitude modulation (a side project with Dr. Wiley).
QAM: code for CA project on quadrature-amplitude modulation. The idea is to use a CA model to evolve QAM rails with optimal Gray scores.
lasers: code for CA modeling of lasers dynamics.
lib: contains utility code as well as Hiroki Sayama's pycxsimulator.
rats-SIR: code for CA modeling of SIR epidemic models with rats.
reaction-diffusion: code for two reaction-diffusion models, the BZ reaction and the Gray-Scott model. Read about the Gray-Scott model here.
schelling: code for CA modeling of Schelling's model of segregation. Read about the model here.