You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 141
- build on macOS
- build on Windows
- build on Ubuntu
- build on Debian
- build on Fedora
- build on Gentoo
- build on NixOS
- build on WSL
- build and run container
Package for a new distribution or OS:
Look up:
Install MindForger using a package.
If your operating system or distribution is not listed below, then check packages repository for Linux and Unix.
Install MindForger on macOS either using brew
or by downloading .dmg
Install MindForger using HomeBrew:
brew install mindforger
Disk iMaGe
Install MindForger using .dmg
Install .dmg
- Open/mount
- Drag and drop/copy
- Run
MindForger creates copy of the documentation in your home directory (~/mindforger-repository
) and opens it as default repository.
Install MindForger using installer.
- Download installer executable from https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/releases (or try nightly build)
- Run installer.
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and check that you have Ubuntu 16.04 or newer:
lsb_release -a
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
If not, then run sudo do-release-upgrade
Install and start an X server for Windows like Xming.
Install MindForger from PPA. Add my PPA to Apt, trust GPG key, install MindForger and run it:
# add PPA to trusted repositories
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ultradvorka/productivity
# update sources
sudo apt update
# install MindForger
sudo apt install mindforger
# run MindForger
DISPLAY=:0.0 mindforger
Install MindForger from PPA. Add my Lauchpad hosted PPA and install MindForger:
# add PPA to trusted repositories
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ultradvorka/productivity
# update sources
sudo apt update
# install MindForger
sudo apt install mindforger
Install MindForger on Debian either by downloading .deb
or from PPA.
Download .deb
package for your Debian version from:
- GitHub Releases Assets section
To install MindForger from the PPA add my PPA for your Debian release version, trust GPG key and install MindForger - follow the instructions described in:
For example Debian "bookworm":
# add PPA to APT sources:
echo "deb http://www.mindforger.com/debian-ppa/bookworm bookworm main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mindforger.list
# import PPA's GPG key
wget -qO - http://www.mindforger.com/gpgpubkey.txt | sudo apt-key add -
# update sources
sudo apt update
# install MindForger
sudo apt install mindforger
Install MindForger on Fedora:
- download RPM from GitHub releases
Install RPM:
sudo dnf install mindforger-MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.rpm
Install MindForger on FreeBSD:
pkg install deskutils/mindforger
pkg install mindforger
Install MindForger from Arch User Repository (AUR):
Install MindForger package on NixOS:
nix-env -i mindforger
Install MindForger on openSUSE:
sudo zypper in opi
opi mindforger
Build MindForger from source code.
Build MindForger on macOS Sierra 10.12+.
Open Terminal
and install/update Xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
Install/update HomeBrew package manager:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew doctor
Install build tools and dependencies:
brew install ccache
Download Qt from https://www.qt.io/download and in its online installer choose:
Qt/Qt 5.x.x
- latest available
(Qt 5.9.9
or any newer Qt relese) - you can skip components like
- latest available
Developer and Designer Tools
Qt Creator
Qt Installer Framework
Once Qt is installed you can use ~/Qt/MaintennanceTool.app
to add/remove Qt components.
Get source code:
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
There are two ways how to build MindForger Disk iMaGe package:
- either using scripts from MindForger's GitHub repository:
which creates MindForger executable -
which creates Disk iMaGe.dmg
package on top of binary executable build made bymindforger-build.sh
- or using the steps described below
Add dependencies to PATH
- fix paths: username, Qt and its components versions might be different
- add
modifications below to your.bash_profile
depending on your shell (configuration) - don't forget to apply changes e.g. using
. .bashr_profile
# clang
export PATH="/Users/username/Qt/5.x.x/clang_64/bin:${PATH}"
# cmake
export PATH="${PATH}:/Users/username/Qt/Tools/CMake/CMake.app/Contents/bin"
# installer
export PATH="${PATH}:/Users/username/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/3.2/bin"
Get source code:
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build dependency: cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
Compile sources from repository root directory:
qmake -r mindforger.pro
# consider adding -j parameter with the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j 8
Optionally install MindForger:
cd app && cp -rvf mindforger.app /Applications
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory - location and directory name matters
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Run MindForger either as application or using command line:
Qt Creator development environment setup:
- start
Qt Creator
as application - open project
- configure project:
profiles - menu
Build/Run qmake
- menu
Build/Build all
- menu
Build .dmg
- start terminal session
- change to
- run
- check
distro created inmindforger/app/mindforger.dmg
Build MindForger on Microsoft Windows.
Install build tools:
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Community edition.
- Choose
Desktop development with C++
in installer.
- Choose
- Install Qt and Qt Creator IDE
- Qt version - choose latest
Qt release available (must beQt 5.9.5
or newer, suggestedQt 5.12.0
or newer) - Choose
Qt > Qt 5.x.x > QMSVC 2017 64-bit
- Choose
Qt > Qt 5.x.x > Qt WebEngine
- Choose
Qt > Developer and Designer tools > Qt Creator
- Qt version - choose latest
- Install
- Install
Get source code from GitHub:
- Create directory where you want to build MindForger e.g.
# create and change to build directory
C: | cd %HOMEPATH% | mkdir mindforger-build | cd mindforger-build
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
cd mindforger
git submodule init
git submodule update
- MindForger sources can be found in
Build dependencies:
- build
cd deps\cmark-gfm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Debug;Release -DCMARK_TESTS=OFF -DCMARK_SHARED=OFF ..
cmake --build . --config Release -- /m
Get default MindForger repository - documentation and examples (will be loaded on the first start):
# change to home directory
C: | cd %HOMEPATH%
# clone MindForger documentation
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Build MindForger in Qt Creator:
- Start Qt Creator
- Open MindForger project:
Welcome/Open project
- Choose
as project file.
- Choose kit:
Desktop Qt 5.x.x MSVC2017 64bit
- Set build directory:
- Set left toolbar's
Projects/Build Settings/Build directory
- Set left toolbar's
- Set build configuration:
- Set
Projects/Build Settings/Edit build configuration
- Set
- Build:
- Menu
Build/Build All
- Menu
Run MindForger from Qt Creator:
- Menu
Create installer:
- Install JRSoftware Inno Setup 5
- Prepare development environment. Change path according to your Qt installation
- Run
- Run
- Gather dependencies
cd C:\Users\USER\mindforger-build\mindforger
%QT_HOME%\5.x.x\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt app\release\mindforger.exe --dir app\release\bin --no-compiler-runtime
- Build installer - update path to
in the command below according to your setup:cd C:\Users\USER\mindforger-build\mindforger
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe" /Qp /DVcRedistPath="c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.16.27012\vcredist_x64.exe" build\windows\installer\mindforger-setup.iss
- MindForger installer can be found in
To create debug version of MindForger and executable replace debug
with release
in the steps above and
use mindforger-setup-debug.iss
installer configuration.
Build MindForger on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Install build tools:
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libqt5webkit5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qt5-default ccache
Update gcc
and g++
to version 5 (at least):
# adds the the test toolchain which includes gcc-5 and g++5
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-5 g++-5
# substitute gcc-5 for gcc and g++-5 for g++ (current version)
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5
Get source code:
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
cd mindforger
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
Compile and install from Git repository root directory:
qmake -r mindforger.pro
# consider speeding up compilation by increasing the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j8
sudo make install
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory (location and directory name matters)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
# verify MindForger repository installation
ls mindforger-repository
limbo memory mind stencils
Run MindForger and start your XServer for Windows (e.g. Xming)
DISPLAY=:0.0 ./mindforger
Build MindForger on Ubuntu 16.04 or later.
Install package dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libqt5webkit5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qt5-default ccache cmake
Get source code:
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
cd mindforger
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
Compile sources and install MindForger from Git repository root directory:
qmake -r mindforger.pro
# consider speeding up compilation by increasing the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j8
sudo make install
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory (location and directory name matters)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Run MindForger:
See also mindforger/build/ubuntu/build-all-clean-system.sh
Build MindForger on Debian 9 (stretch
) or later.
Install package dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libqt5webkit5-dev qttools5-dev-tools ccache cmake debhelper
Get source code:
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build
# OPTIONAL step on certain Debian vesions: cmake -S . -B ./build
cd build
cmake --build .
Compile and install from Git repository root directory:
qmake -r mindforger.pro
# consider speeding up compilation by increasing the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j8
sudo make install
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory (location and directory name matters)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Run MindForger:
Build MindForger on Fedora.
Install package dependencies:
sudo dnf install zlib-devel hunspell-devel qt-devel qt5-devel ccache
Get source code:
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
Compile and install from Git repository root directory:
qmake-qt5 -r mindforger.pro
# consider speeding up compilation by increasing the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j8
sudo make install
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory (location and directory name matters)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Run MindForger:
Build MindForger on Gentoo:
Install package dependencies.
Get source code:
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
Compile and install from Git repository root directory:
qmake CONFIG+=mfwebengine -r mindforger.pro
# consider speeding up compilation by increasing the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j8
sudo make install
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory (location and directory name matters)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Run MindForger:
Build MindForger on Gentoo:
Install package dependencies.
Get source code:
# clone MindForger repository
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger.git
# update repository sub-modules
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build dependencies:
# build cmark-gfm
cd mindforger/deps/cmark-gfm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
Compile and install from Git repository root directory:
qmake CONFIG+=mfwebengine -r mindforger.pro
# consider speeding up compilation by increasing the number of CPU cores to use e.g. make -j8
sudo make install
Install documentation and stencils:
# clone MindForger documentation repository to home directory (location and directory name matters)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger-repository.git
Run MindForger:
Run MindForger in Docker container.
Build Docker image and run MindForger in Docker container.
Build image:
mkdir mindforger
# download Dockerfile
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dvorka/mindforger/master/build/docker/mindforger/Dockerfile > mindforger/Dockerfile
# build image
docker build -t mindforger:latest mindforger
Run container:
# allow access to X server (UNSECURE, but simple):
xhost +local:root
# run image
docker run -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" mindforger:latest mindforger
# determine and remember container ID
docker ps -l -q > ~/.mindforger.docker
Run MindForger by starting container:
# start (stopped) container
docker start $(cat ~/.mindforger.docker)
Check also https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/tree/master/build/docker for handy scripts.
Nightly builds:
MindForger can be configured either from UI:
- menu
... or using configuration file (while MindForger is NOT running):
Review .mindforger.md
for configuration option details and descriptions.
If you want to change color, font size, rendering of HTML preview, then it can be done using custom CSS.
You can either use your custom CSS - there is no UI for such change:
- make sure MindForger is not running
- download CSS you like https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/tree/master/app/resources/qt/css (dark or light and choose
) - edit downloaded CSS file and change font size, ...
- open
and change path to your CSS, e.g.
* Markdown CSS theme: /home/USERNAME/my.css
This will ensure that CSS from given path will be loaded by HTML preview since the next time MindForger is started.
MindForger's spell check implementation is based on Hunspell.
Install Hunspell:
sudo apt install hunspell
Download vocabulary for your language from:
Install vocabulary:
- extract
archive downloaded from the URL above to get.dict
files - determine Hunspell's vocabulary search path by running:
hunspell -D
- copy downloaded (
) vocabulary files to one of the directories on Hunspell's search path e.g./usr/share/hunspell
Hunspell is included in MindForger executable, therefore it does not have to be installed.
Download vocabulary for your language from:
Install vocabulary:
- extract
archive downloaded from the URL above to get.dict
files - copy downloaded (
) vocabulary files to one of the directories on Hunspell's search path:
C:\Users\<profile>\Local Settings\dictionaries
MindForger can be either in thinking or sleeping mode:
Thinking mode can be activated from menu
and it's also indicated by theThinking
indicator in main window status bar.- MindForger runs background mind-related computations/tasks that can be CPU intensive
- MindForger suggests relevant notes as you browse/read/write
- MindForger named-entity recognition model is loaded and enabled
- ...
Sleeping mode can be activated from menu
and it's also indicated by theSleeping
indicator in main window status bar.- MindForger runs no background mind-related computations/tasks i.e. it does not consume any extra CPU power and does not show any async information
Switch thinking/sleeping mode based on whether you need mind features for the particular repository or not - consider performance/CPU consumption vs features trade-off.
MindForger releases:
- 1.54.0: Smart(er) Markdown editor
- 1.53.0: Spell check
- 1.52.0: Autolinking
- 1.51.0: Live preview
- 1.50.0: Dashboard, link completion, image Drag&Drop, full-text search (FTS)
- 1.49.0: Microsoft Windows and GitHub flavored Markdown
- 1.48.0: CSV export and MathJax menu
- 1.47.0: Knowledge graph navigator
- 1.46.0: Standard terminology and toolbar
- 1.43.0: Eisenhower matrix, tags view and recent notes
- 1.42.0: Initial release
See per-release changelog for more details.
Created with passion for my personal pleasure.
Released on the day of my 42nd birthday to confirm answer to the Ultimate Question of life, the Universe, and Everything.
[email protected] and contributors
Getting started:
- Basics
- Create Workspace
- Notes Outliner
- Find Note
- Delete Notebook
Video tutorials
- Video: Getting started
- Video: First steps
- Why MindForger?
- Presentations:
- Prezi: Thinking notebook
- History
- In the news
- Bugs and feature requests
- Community
User documentation:
- Basics
Knowledge manager
- New Notebook
- Open existing Notebook
- Edit Notebook and it's description
- Deprecate Notebook and Limbo
- Wingman @ LLM
Markdown editor
- From Markdown to MindForger
- Markdown document
- Document ~ Notebook
- Section ~ Note
- Open Markdown file
- New Markdown file
- Open directory with Markdowns
- Example Markdown content
- Markdown
- Markdown cheat sheet and specification
menu - Images
- Links
- Math
- Diagrams
- Interesting documents and examples
- Live preview
- Outlineing
- Spellcheck
- From Markdown to MindForger
- Markdown IDE
- Templates
- Refactoring
- Cloning
- Link completion
- Find . by .
- Full text search (scope)
- Recent
- Thinking notebook
- Workspace
- Metadata
- Tags
- Statistics (RW)
- Deadlines
- Progress
- Types (thing)
- Auto-linking
- Think as you Browse
- Think as you Read
- Think as you Write
- Associations
- Time-based scopes
- Tag-based scopes
- Knowledge graph navigator
- Limbo
- Study tools
- Coaching
- Integrations
- Mobile phone (Git)
- Machine learning: NLP
- Tooling
- Configuration
- Appearance themes
- Fonts
- Spellcheck
- AA poller
- Credits
Developer documentation:
- Contribute
- Build
- Development environment
- Linux development environment
- Windows development environment
- macOS development environment
- Automation
- Makefile and build/ directory
Continuous Integration (CI)
- GitHub Actions
- AppVeyor
- nightly builds: .dmg | Win installer
- Implementation
- Incremental Markdown recursive descent parser
- Magnets and rubbers: Force-directed Graph
- Model View Presenter front-end pattern
- NLP: stemmer, lexicon and bag of words
- Repository layout specification
- Outline document format specification (Markdown hosted DSL)
- Localization
- API reference (dOxygen generated documentation @ www.mindforger.com)
- Licensing
- Testing
- Library unit tests
- Frontend testing
- Packaging
- Packaging flow and build environments (CI + VMs)
- GitHub Actions (macOS Disk ImaGe, Linux tarball)
- AppVeyor (Windows installer)
- Packaging flow and build environments (CI + VMs)
- Conventions and best practices
- Branching conventions
- Code format conventions
- Security policy
Frequently Asked Questions