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Douglas Waltman II edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 12 revisions


  • number [required]
  • base [optional, default 16]
const Test = styled.div`
  height: ${rem(420)};


  • color [hex, rgb, or rgba format]
  • adjustment [how much more opaque, from 0-none to 1-fully opaque]
const Test = styled.div`
  background: ${opacify('#FFFFFF', 0.5)};
  color: ${opacify('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', 0.2)};


  • color [hex, rgb, or rgba format]
  • adjustment [how much more transparent, from 0-none to 1-fully transparent]
const Test = styled.div`
  background: ${transparentize('#FFFFFF', 0.5)};
  color: ${transparentize('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)', 0.4)};


Save a few lines with the most common flex attributes

  • flex-direction [row, column, row-reverse, etc]
  • align-items [center, flex-start, etc]
  • justify-content [center, space-between, etc]
const Test = styled.div`
  ${flex('row', 'center', 'flex-start')}


Save a few lines with the most common grid configuration

  • grid-columns [number, which translates to "repeat(number, 1fr)"]
  • grid-col-gap [string or number (converted to rems)]
  • grid-row-gap [optional string or number (converted to rems), defaults to the given column gap]
// grid-columns repeat(4, 1fr), grid-col-gap 0.5rem, grid-row-gap 1rem
const TestNumbers = styled.div`
  ${grid(4, 8, 16)}
// grid-columns repeat(3, 1fr), grid-col-gap 8px, grid-row-gap 16px
const TestStrings = styled.div`
  ${grid(3, '8px', '16px')}

Sets row gap the same as colgap when only two params are given

// grid-columns repeat(5, 1fr), grid-col-gap 1rem, grid-row-gap 1rem
const TestAll = styled.div`
  ${grid(5, 16)}


  • position ["absolute", "fixed", "relative", etc]
  • top [required string or number (converted to rems)]
  • right [optional string or number (converted to rems), defaults to top]
  • bottom [optional string or number (converted to rems), defaults to top]
  • left [optional string or number (converted to rems), defaults to right or top]
const TestNumbers = styled.div`
  ${position('absolute', 0, 16, 32, 48)}
const TestStrings = styled.div`
  ${position('absolute', '0', '16px', '32px', '48px')}

Also works the same as normal CSS shorthand (the same order as border, margin, and padding)

// top/bottom/left/right 16
const TestAll = styled.div`
  ${position('fixed', 16)}
// top/bottom 0, left/right 16
const TestXY = styled.div`
  ${position('fixed', 0, 16)}
// top 0, left/right 16, bottom 32
const TestShort = styled.div`
  ${position('fixed', 0, 16, 32)}
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