CRAN Release v3.0.0 10-20-17
The version released to CRAN on October 20th, 2017. Here is the relevant changes since the last CRAN release (see CHANGELOG for a full CHANGELOG):
-Added additional checks so that helpful error messages are given if species names are accidentally left in as a column in timeList for bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy and bin_timePaleoPhy, thanks Victoria Arbour for this bug report
-Added informative error message if sliceTime is later in time than the lattest (most recent) tip (thanks Graeme Lloyd for reporting this)
-Merged two taxa due to an accidental taxon name mis-spelling in the kanto dataset
-Fixed a missing line in the example code for perCapitaRates
-Added argument 'yAxisLims' to multiDiv functions so that the y axis (richness) can be constrained by the user, thanks to Robin Beck for suggestion (01-23-17)
-Added examples of using simFossilRecord with randomly-sampled rate variation, thanks to Laura Soul for making me realize I'd already made this possible! (03-20-17)
-Small edit to createMrBayesConstraints documentation
-Added example of a two-way cluster analysis (sensu Miller 1988) to examples for kanto data, based on code provided by Max Christie (Thanks!)
-Added new function: createMrBayesTipCalibrations, which creates a block of MrBayes codes for calibrating tip ages in a tip-dating analysis
-Added function createMrBayesTipDatingNexus, which creates a full NEXUS script for doing tip-dating analyses in MrBayes.
-Added function obtainDatedPosteriorTreesMrB, which will get the dated trees from the posterior of a MrBayes analysis (or provide an otherwise difficult to obtain summary tree, appropriate for dated analyses).
-Added function treeContradiction, which gives the contradiction difference (CD) value between two topologies, as described in Bapst et al. in press (Syst Biol).
-Added function setRootAge which will add a $root.time element to a tree, given a set of ages for tip taxa, using the age for the youngest matching taxon name,
-Added function setRootAges for setting root ages for a set of many trees as a multiPhylo object,
-Tried changing changelog.txt to .md, then changed it back.
-So, it turns out that ACCTRAN in phangorn was never converted from Fitch algorithm to Sankoff, and thus it was inappropriate for ACCTRAN to be applied to trees with multifurcations. This now results in an error if attempted by a user. Many apologies!
-Added new dataset RaiaCopesRule, containing dated paleo-phylogenies for ammonite genera, ceratopsian species, and cervid species from Raia et al. 2015, along with ammonite trait data from same publication.
-Fixed error with missing ingroup constraint in createMrBayesTipDatingNexus reported by Melanie Hopkins, thanks!
-Released to CRAN as v3.0.0 after a long hiatus from new CRAN releases.