Easy to use chat client for text based environment
nclone is a text based chat client. It currently uses the Swiften library to connect to XMPP servers. This enables chats with gmail and facebook. Its goal is to be as easy to use as naim. To accomplish this the command line provides history, reverse search, and some limited command completion (still needs some work). Additionally, there are some improvements to things such as buffer history scrollback and refreshing during window size changes. In the future support for sipe networks (MS Communicator) will hopefully be added.
- g++ 4.7 or higher (clang?)
- BOOST 1.52 or higher (program_options, date_time, regex, system, signals)
- libncurses
- libswiften
- pthread
- BOOST on OS X with clang++
./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=clang --prefix=/PATH/TO/DEPS/BOOST_1_52_0 ./b2 toolset=clang cxxflags="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++" linkflags="-stdlib=libc++" -j4 install
- These same flags should be used to build against these BOOST libraries
- Building on OSX
- Dependencies can mostly be installed with Homebrew: http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/
- BOOST needed to be installed with the clang++ instead since the brew recipe didn't give that option before
- Swiften
scons swiften_dll=yes \ SWIFTEN_INSTALLDIR=/home/dwkimm01/Documents/Development/deps/swiften-2.0.0 \ /home/dwkimm01/Documents/Development/deps/swiften-2.0.0
- Eclipse debugging
- Allow less secure attaching to non-child process echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
- Set back to more secure setting echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
- Debugging glib issues
- export G_DEBUG=fatal_warnings
- gdb ./hw
- run, bt, continue
GitHub Markup formatting: http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/sample_content.html
git config --global color.ui auto
Resize funcs for windows - could be static still need apt ptr
Cmd window (user input) Top level chat (container) window Console (chat) Buddy List window Debug keystrokes Timestamp window
Signals and Signal connections Connections list/vec Command History Cmd, CmdIdx, Input State KeyMap Command Map
Model Data Backend Stl/boost containers
View Windows ncurses chat windows, buddy list, cmd win
Controller key map, cmd map, signals, cfg