id: enablement-openpipeline-segments-iam
summary: dynatrace openpipeline segments and iam policies
author: Tony Pope-Cruz
During this hands-on training, we’ll deploy an internal development platform (IDP) on Kubernetes and observe it with Dynatrace. To introduce the paradigm shift from classic Management Zones to data permissions and filtering on Grail, we’ll configure OpenPipeline, Segments, and IAM Policies to provide role-based access and analysis controls.
You will need a Dynatrace SaaS tenant.
Make a note of the Dynatrace environment name. This is the first part of the URL. abc12345
would be the environment ID for
- For those running in other environments (such as
), make a note of your environment:dev
⚠️ Stop! If you are unable to create an OAuth Client, you can still complete this lab with partial functionality⚠️
Use the following fake values for your OAuth Client:
Client id:
Client secret:
Account URN:
Open the Dynatrace Account Management page. Click on Identity & access management
. Click on OAuth clients
Create a new OAuth Client by clicking on Create client
Provide your account email address and name the client segments-client
Configure the client to have the following permissions:
Note: Your user account must have these permissions. Follow the documentation to set up an OAuth client + policy + bind to your service user account email.
After the client is created, copy and save the client details. Once you click Finish
, you can never obtain the client secret
ever again!!
You should now have 5 pieces of information:
- A DT environment (
) - A DT environment ID
- An OAuth client ID
- An OAuth client secret
- An account URN
Create a Dynatrace access token with the following permissions. This token will be used by the setup script to automatically create all other required DT tokens.
You should now have 6 pieces of information:
- A DT environment (
) - A DT environment ID
- An oAuth client ID
- An oAuth client secret
- An account URN
- An API token
You will need a GitHub account.
The source repository for this lab is:
The reference repository (not used for this lab) is:
Create your own fork of the source repository.
⚠️ Note⚠️ running this lab will modify the repository, you will need to delete your fork and start from the beginning (new fork) every time you run this lab!
⚠️ This step is important!⚠️
This lab uses one GitHub action to automatically merge Pull Requests when apps are onboarded.
In your fork, go to Actions
and click the green button: I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them
By default, codespaces instances will suspend after 30 minutes of inactivity. This may cause problems with your lab.
Open GitHub Account settings at
Increase the Default idle timeout
In your fork:
- Switch to the
branch - Click the green
button - Change to
- Click the
and chooseNew with options...
Warning! Do not click the green "Create codespace on codespace" button!!
Fill in the form and launch the codespace.
Be sure to select 4-core as your machine type.
Choose a region close to your Dynatrace tenant. If you run into issues with spinning up your codespaces instance, try selecting a different region.
If you have already defined the environment variables in your repository, you'll see a screen asking you to associate those secrets with this repository. Please check the boxes as shown below.
The codespaces instance will launch and the setup scripts will execute.
Wait until the Running postStartCommand...
disappears. It should take ~10 minutes.
If the launch was successful, you should be able to run the following command without errors:
kubectl get ns
⚠️ Note⚠️ If you encounter an error and the launch was unsuccessful, try running the instance in a different Github cloud region/location. You will need to delete your fork and start over from the beginning. Do not continue with the same fork or codespaces instance!
When the codespaces instance is finished launching, go to the Terminal prompt and run the following command:
kubectl get pods -n dynatrace
Run this command every couple minutes until you see the platform-engineering-demo-activegate-0
pod running and ready.
Navigate to the Dynatrace tenant and launch the Kubernetes
App. You should eventually see a cluster pending activation. Activate the Kubernetes Experience for your platform-engineering-demo
Move into the lab-guide directory
cd lab-guide
Generate the lab guide content
node bin/generator.js
Launch the lab guide as a Node.js server
nohup node bin/server.js > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Move back into the base directory
cd /workspaces/enablement-openpipeline-segments-iam
Open the lab guide in your browser from the Codespaces instance exposed ports
Use the lab guide to move through the hands on exercises.