75 commits
to master
since this release
Pre-holiday working release advertised to GeoCloud team.
Deploy style involves creating VPC in one deploy as a utility then deploying to it as a target, because it's being developed in an old-style EC2 classic account without a default VPC
So style is:
cap-deploy -n /opt/ecap/geocloud-ecap/applications/vpc/dev_only.json -p azskip=us-east-1a > ~/vpcdeploy.out
cap-deploy /opt/ecap/geocloud-ecap/applications/geoshape_geonode/master.json -p azskip=us-east-1a -p deploy_id=INFSTR-DEV-2014121617-BU
Where INFSTR-DEV-2014121617-BU or its equivalent is the utility VPC created in the first deploy.
The utility VPCs are reusable
This tag was created targeting an old commit.