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Merge pull request #8 from eGavr/add-archivers-to-bench
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Add configuration of archivers; refactor the code
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eGavr committed Sep 2, 2014
2 parents 8c452f0 + 4701994 commit 4ff7d52
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Showing 4 changed files with 223 additions and 51 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions lib/config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
minimize = require('./utils').minimize;
minimize = require('./utils').minimize,
archive = require('./utils').archive;

module.exports = {
// each method is the imitation of the usage of some minimizer
Expand All @@ -10,9 +11,14 @@ module.exports = {
cssshrink: minimize(require('cssshrink'), 'shrink'),
csswring: minimize(require('csswring'), 'wring')
// each method is the imitation of the usage of some archiver
archivers: {
gzip: archive('gzip -k [FILE_PATH] && mv [FILE_PATH].gz [TO_ARCH_CSS]', '.gz')
// input and output
paths: {
toRawCSS: path.join('css', 'raw'),
toMinCSS: path.join('css', 'min')
toMinCSS: path.join('css', 'min'),
toArchCSS: path.join('css', 'arch')
154 changes: 124 additions & 30 deletions lib/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,59 +1,153 @@
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
shell = require('shelljs'),
bench = require('./config'),
utils = require('./utils'),
minimizers = bench.minimizers,
archivers = bench.archivers,
toRawCSS = bench.paths.toRawCSS,
toMinCSS = bench.paths.toMinCSS;
toMinCSS = bench.paths.toMinCSS,
toArchCSS = bench.paths.toArchCSS;


shell.exec('ulimit -n 8192');

// constants
var maxSize = Number.MAX_VALUE,
maxTime = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var MAX_TIME = Number.MAX_VALUE;

var listOfMinimizers = Object.keys(minimizers);
var listOfMinimizers = Object.keys(minimizers) || [],
listOfArchivers = Object.keys(archivers) || [],
listOfMinLen = listOfMinimizers.length,
listOfArchLen = listOfArchivers.length;

// makes dirs
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function(minimizer) {
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function (minimizer) {
utils.mkdir(path.join(toMinCSS, minimizer));
listOfArchivers.forEach(function (archiver) {
utils.mkdir(path.join(toArchCSS, archiver, 'raw'));
utils.mkdir(path.join(toArchCSS, archiver, minimizer));

// Ok! Let's GO!
var cssFiles = fs.readdirSync(toRawCSS);

cssFiles.forEach(function(cssFile) {
var pathToFile = path.join(toRawCSS, cssFile);
var output = '\n' + 'Result:' + '\n',
cssFiles = fs.readdirSync(toRawCSS);

// logs the test file
'---> ' + cssFile + utils.addSpaces(cssFile, 40) +
' --> ' + (fs.statSync(pathToFile).size + '').bold + ' b'
cssFiles.forEach(function (cssFile) {
var pathToRawFile = path.join(toRawCSS, cssFile),
rawFileSize = fs.statSync(pathToRawFile).size;

// minimizes the file by different minimizers which are specified in 'config.js'
// minimizes and archives the file by tools which are specified in 'config.js'
var res = {};
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function(minimizer) {
res[minimizer] = minimizers[minimizer](pathToFile, path.join(toMinCSS, minimizer, cssFile));

if (listOfMinLen) {
res.min = {};
} else {
console.log(utils.getCurrTime() + ' - ' + 'error'.red + ': [e] Spicify minimizers in \'lib/config.js\'');
listOfArchLen && (res.arch = {});

listOfMinimizers.forEach(function (minimizer) {
var pathToMinCSS = path.join(toMinCSS, minimizer, cssFile),
minimizeMethod = minimizers[minimizer];

res.min[minimizer] = minimizeMethod(minimizer, pathToRawFile, pathToMinCSS);

listOfArchivers.forEach(function (archiver) {
var pathToArchCSS = path.join(toArchCSS, archiver),
pathToRawArchCSS = path.join(pathToArchCSS, 'raw'),
pathToMinArchCSS = path.join(pathToArchCSS, minimizer),
archiveScript = archivers[archiver];

if (!res.arch.hasOwnProperty(archiver)) {
res.arch[archiver] = {};
if (!res.arch.hasOwnProperty('raw')) {
res.arch[archiver].raw = archiveScript(cssFile, pathToRawFile, pathToRawArchCSS);
res.arch[archiver][minimizer] = archiveScript(cssFile, pathToMinCSS, pathToMinArchCSS);

// gets the best and the fastest results
var minSize = maxSize,
minTime = maxTime;
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function(minimizer) {
minSize = Math.min(minSize, res[minimizer].size);
minTime = Math.min(minTime, res[minimizer].time);
var minSize = rawFileSize,
maxSize = rawFileSize,
minTime = MAX_TIME;

listOfMinimizers.forEach(function (minimizer) {
var currMinSize = res.min[minimizer].size,
currMinTime = res.min[minimizer].time;

minSize = Math.min(minSize, currMinSize);
maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, currMinSize);
minTime = Math.min(minTime, currMinTime);

var minArchSize = {},
maxArchSize = {};

listOfArchivers.forEach(function (archiver) {
minArchSize[archiver] = res.arch[archiver].raw;
maxArchSize[archiver] = res.arch[archiver].raw;
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function (minimizer) {
var currArchSize = res.arch[archiver][minimizer];

minArchSize[archiver] = Math.min(minArchSize[archiver], currArchSize);
maxArchSize[archiver] = Math.max(maxArchSize[archiver], currArchSize);

// logs the test file
var _output =
'\n---> ' + cssFile + utils.addSymbols(40, cssFile.length, ' ') +
' --> ' + (rawFileSize + '').bold + ' b' + utils.addSymbols(listOfArchLen ? 22 - (rawFileSize + '').length : 2, 0, ' '),

_outputLen =
('\n---> ' + cssFile + utils.addSymbols(40, cssFile.length, ' ') +
' --> ' + rawFileSize + ' b' + utils.addSymbols(listOfArchLen ? 22 - (rawFileSize + '').length : 2, 0, ' ')).length;

listOfArchivers.forEach(function (archiver) {
var currArchSize = res.arch[archiver].raw;

_output +=
' + ' + archiver + ' > ' +
(minArchSize[archiver] === currArchSize ? (currArchSize + '').green : currArchSize) + ' b' +
utils.addSymbols((maxArchSize[archiver] + '').length + 1, (currArchSize + '').length, ' ') + '|';

_outputLen +=
(' + ' + archiver + ' > ' + currArchSize + ' b' +
utils.addSymbols((maxArchSize[archiver] + '').length + 1, (currArchSize + '').length, ' ') + '|').length;

_output += '\n' + utils.addSymbols(_outputLen - 1, 0, '-');

output += _output;

// logs the results of the test
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function(minimizer) {
' > was minimized by ' + minimizer + utils.addSpaces(minimizer, 20) + '--> ' +
(minSize === res[minimizer].size ? (res[minimizer].size + '') : res[minimizer].size) + ' b | ' +
(minTime === res[minimizer].time ? (res[minimizer].time + '') : res[minimizer].time) + ' ms'
listOfMinimizers.forEach(function (minimizer) {
var currMinSize = res.min[minimizer].size,
currMinTime = res.min[minimizer].time;

output +=
'\n > was minimized by ' + minimizer + utils.addSymbols(20, minimizer.length, ' ') + '--> ' +
(minSize === currMinSize ? (currMinSize + '') : currMinSize) + ' b' +
utils.addSymbols((maxSize + '').length + 1, (currMinSize + '').length, ' ') + '| ' +
(minTime === currMinTime ? (currMinTime + '') : currMinTime) + ' ms' +
utils.addSymbols(19 - (rawFileSize + '').length, (currMinTime + ' ms').length, ' ');

listOfArchivers.forEach(function (archiver) {
var currArchSize = res.arch[archiver][minimizer];

output +=
' + ' + archiver + ' > ' +
(minArchSize[archiver] === currArchSize ? (currArchSize + '') : currArchSize) + ' b' +
utils.addSymbols((maxArchSize[archiver] + '').length + 1, (currArchSize + '').length, ' ') + '|';

output += '\n';

console.log(output + '\nDone!';
107 changes: 89 additions & 18 deletions lib/utils.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,78 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
shell = require('shelljs');


* Returns current time in an appropriate form
* @example 00:00:00.000
function getCurrTime() {
var now = new Date(),
_hours = now.getHours() + '',
_minutes = now.getMinutes() + '',
_seconds = now.getSeconds() + '',
_milliseconds = now.getMilliseconds() + '',
hours = (_hours.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + _hours,
minutes = (_minutes.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + _minutes,
seconds = (_seconds.length < 2 ? '0' : '') + _seconds,
milliSecLen = _milliseconds.length,
milliseconds = (milliSecLen < 3 ? (milliSecLen === 2 ? '0' : '00') : '') + _milliseconds;

return (hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + '.' + milliseconds).grey;

* Makes directories
* @param {Array} - list of paths
function mkdir(path) {
try {
catch(err) {
if (err && err.code !== 'EEXIST') throw err;
function mkdir(_path) {
var splitPath = _path.split(path.sep),
part = '';

splitPath.forEach(function (nextPart) {
part = path.join(part, nextPart)
try {
} catch(err) {
if (err && err.code !== 'EEXIST') {
console.log(getCurrTime() + ' - ' + 'error'.red + ': [e] Can not create the folder --> ' + part);
throw err;

* Adds spaces for pretty logging
* @param {String} - string in the log
* @param {Number} - interval
* @returns {String} - string of spaces
* @returns {String}
function addSpaces(name, interval) {
return new Array(interval - name.length).join(' ');
function addSymbols(interval, nameLen, symbol) {
return new Array(interval - nameLen + 1).join(symbol);

* Returns a size of a minimized file and a time of a minimizer's work
* @param {Object} - required minimizer's module
* @param {String} - name of minimizer's method
* @returns {Object}
* Returns a function which can minimize CSS
* @param {Module} - a required module of a minimizer
* @param {String} - minimization method of a minimizer which receives CSS and minifies it
* @return {Function}
function minimize(minimizer, minMethod) {
return function(inputFile, outputFile) {
* Returns a size of a minimized file and time of a minimizer's work
* @param {Object} - required minimizer's module
* @param {String} - name of minimizer's method
* @returns {Object}
return function (minimizerName, inputFile, outputFile) {
getCurrTime() + ' - ' + 'info'.green + ': [m] Minimization by ' + minimizerName + ' --> ' +
(inputFile + ' -> ' + outputFile).grey

var css = fs.readFileSync(inputFile, 'utf-8'),
res = {};

Expand All @@ -46,8 +88,37 @@ function minimize(minimizer, minMethod) {

* Returns a function which can archive files
* @param {String} - bash scrit which archive files
* @param {String} - suffix which is added to archived file's name after archiving
* @return {Function}
function archive(command, fileSuffix) {
* Returns a size of an arhived file of an archiver's work
* @param {String} - file name
* @param {String} - file path
* @param {String} - path to archived CSS
* @returns {Number}
return function (fileName, filePath, toArchCSS) {
var _command = command
.replace(/\[FILE_PATH\]/g, filePath)
.replace(/\[TO_ARCH_CSS\]/g, toArchCSS);

console.log(getCurrTime() + ' - ' + 'info'.green + ': [a] ' + 'Exec bash script --> ' + _command.grey);


return fs.statSync(path.join(toArchCSS, fileName + fileSuffix)).size;

module.exports = {
getCurrTime: getCurrTime,
mkdir: mkdir,
addSpaces: addSpaces,
minimize: minimize
addSymbols: addSymbols,
minimize: minimize,
archive: archive
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
"csswring": "1.2.3"
"devDependencies": {
"colors": "0.6.2"
"colors": "0.6.2",
"shelljs": "0.3.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.8.0",
Expand Down

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