Github action to package helm charts
Wrapper around a script for packaging helm charts after building a ng service.
Required The build timestamp in the "yyyyMMddHHmmss" format. Ex: 20220106100059.
Required The chart name of this project (without ng- prefix). Ex: product-management.
Required The repository URL.
Required The username to access the artifactory helm repo.
Required The password to access the artifactory helm repo.
Whether the service generates a "message-artifacts-helm.yaml" file during build (typically when the service uses messaging). Default is "true"
The version of the chart that was published. Ex: 0.1.1641463259
uses: ePages-de/action-package-helm-chart@v4
build-timestamp: ${{ }} # generated during build
project-chart-name: "product-finder"
artifactory-username: ${{ secrets.CHART_REPO_USER }}
artifactory-password: ${{ secrets.CHART_REPO_PASSWORD }}