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Yash Jivrajani edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 5 revisions


Tasks accomplished till now- The eagle schematic for nearly all modules of the miniBOT are ready. Mainboard Eagle-1

19 Jun 2017

We finished the PCB designing and routing of all the schematics required. The following are the files present in the drive link below:

  1. An all sensor brd file
  2. L293d and encoder schematic and board file
  3. Main schematic and board file
  4. Speaker schematic and board file
  5. TSOP sensor schematic and board files
  6. White line sensor schematic and board file


Blockly documentation and building application: Modules of Speaker, bluetooth and ZigBee were made and we are building C files of all the modules side by side and later we will be mapping C files with XML files.

20 Jun 2017

PCB status: gave the PCBs to the vendor for making components list is been made and this is the final list of components needed for MiniBOT here is the link for all the components click here

Blockly status: blocks are in the ongoing process. Back-end code will be made. front-end is taking time to understand.

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