Dependency-free library for functional programming in Typescript/Javascript
In functional programming, a monad is a structure that combines program fragments (functions) and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation. In addition to defining a wrapping monadic type, monads define two operators: one to wrap a value in the monad type, and another to compose together functions that output values of the monad type.
The library implements Scala approach of monad classes: Option[T], Some[T], None
To install the library you should use npm:
npm i --save manatki
Then you are able to import it in your project:
import {Option, Some, None} from 'manatki';
Optionally turn on implicit constructors of Option and Either
String and Number classes are Optionative and Validative, so they can be converted to Option, Either<void, string> etc (see further).
To add this possibility you should import implicits from manatki:
import 'manatki/implicits'; // All implicits
import 'manatki/implicits/String'; // implicits for strings
import 'manatki/implicits/Number'; // implicits for number
- Option[T]
const name: Option[String] = Some("name") // here we can get some optional value from outside
const upper = name
.filter(e => e.length !== 0)
- Either[K, T]
- Try[T]
const a = (n: number) => (d: number) => {
if (d === 0) throw new Error("division by zero");
return n / d;
const status1 = Try<number>(() => a(5)(1)).fold<string>((n: number) => "Success", (e: Error) => e.message);
console.log(status1); // Success
const status2 = Try<number>(() => a(5)(0)).fold<string>((n: number) => "Success", (e: Error) => e.message);
console.log(status2); // division by zero
You can make your class Optionative by inheriting from Optionative:
class MyClass extends Optionative<MyClass> {
// ...
const a = new MyClass();
a.some(); // returns Option<MyClass>
You can make your class Validative by inheriting from Validative:
class MyClass extends Validative<MyClass> {
// ...
const a = new MyClass();
a.asLeft(); // returns Either<MyClass, void>
a.asRight(); // returns Either<void, MyClass>
- Algebra
Monoid, Semigroup interfaces. Implicitly, String and Number are Monoidal in manatki.
- lFold
lFold ((f: string) => (g: string) => f + g) ("") (["2","3","4","5","6"]); // 23456
lFold ((e: number) => (f: number) => e + f) (0) ([1,2,3]); // 6
- rFold
rFold ((f: string) => (g: string) => f + g)("") (["2","3","4","5","6"]); // "65432"