EarthLCD XLK-10x1-USB SmartLCD This is a Very Simple Python Script to drive the EarthLCD XLK-10x1-USB SmartLCD It is based on a simple ARM9 Microcontroller which simply sends a frame from USB to the LCD display one screen at a time. The entire screen must be written each time with this controller. EarthLCD has other solutions to drive this LCD under development. This is meant to be a demonstration platform for prototyping and small qty production. It is based on the EarthLCD-10.4-1024100 TFT LCD, a 10.4" 1024 X 100 Pixel Display. What it does is read 16 bit bmp files in order 0001.bmp 0002.bmp ect . And send them to the display .
Windows drivers included . ken