Replication Package for the "Refactoring Test Smells With JUnit 5: Why Should Developers Keep Up-to-Date?" paper
The list of projects that automate tests using JUnit 5 library can be found in the article. Further details are available in the projects.csv file.
Considering that you have a project, or projects, already cloned to your machine, to find JUnit 5 features to a single project, use the following command line:
java -jar JUnit5ImportsAnalyzer.jar "path/to/project/root/directory"
Should you execute the JUnit5ImportsAnalyzer tool to several projects, then this is the command line:
java -jar JUnit5ImportsAnalyzer.jar -multipleProjects "path/to/projects/root/directory"
Or you can directly use the tool from its repository in your IDE, available at
Our JUnit5ImportsAnalyzer logs are available in the JUnit5ImportsAnalyzer logs directory.
tsDetect tool usage can be found at
Our tsDetect logs are available in the tsDetect logs directory.