EasyCourse Android Client
git clone https://github.com/easycourse-dev/EasyCourse-Android.git
- Open project using Android Studio
- **'src/main/java/activities':** android activities
- **'src/main/java/components':** java files related to small components
- **'src/main/java/fragments':** fragment files
- **'src/main/java/models':** Realm models
- **'src/main/java/services':** services such as notificiations/wakeups/eventbus
- **'src/main/java/utils':** singleton functions like API calls
Be as detailed as possible, always include type and purpose
- id: editTextPassword
- java variable: emailEditText
Have at least one line of comment to describe each function, comments to describe each step within functions would be recommended
- "develop" branch is protected, only administrators are authorized to write
- When developing new features, create new "feature/FeatureName" branch from "develop"
- Always pull the latest "develop" branch and merge into your own feature branch before you start your work and when you find out new commits appear in "develop" branch