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Miss Abigail


Install requirements

  1. sudo apt-get update to update package sources
  2. Install composer from
  3. sudo mv ./composer.phar /usr/local/composer to make composer globally accessible
  4. Install NPM with sudo apt-get install npm


  1. Create a new GitHub repository for your project
  2. Create your project in the appropriate directory composer create-project plasticstudio/skeletor mywebsitenamehere/public_html
  3. Update _ss_environment.php to reflect your environment details
  4. composer install to compile your PHP dependencies with Composer
  5. npm install compile your Javascript dependencies with NPM
  6. /dev/build?flush=all to build your SilverStripe environment
  7. npm run dev to build a development version of your project, or npm run prod to build a production-ready version