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Payment Info

Guilherme Pressutto edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 1 revision

You can get information about a payment by searching by a Payment Hash or by a Merchant Payment Code:

// By Hash

// By Merchant Payment Code

Optionally you may set if the payment was created on Sandbox or Live mode by passing the second argument $isSandbox:

EBANX($config)->paymentInfo()->findByHash('HASH_HERE', true);  //Sandbox mode
EBANX($config)->paymentInfo()->findByHash('HASH_HERE', false); //Live mode

If you don't specify the payment mode the default used will $config->isSandbox from the Config object you've passed on EBANX() function.

The result of any of these options will be something like this:

    [payment] => Array
            [hash] => 5925f3653b2c75e9ce7568d4f16c6d67648b8e92f7f05fa5
            [pin] => 484939887
            [merchant_payment_code] => 27c251a65a854cfa74d052e66bdac8e8
            [order_number] =>
            [status] => PE
            [status_date] =>
            [open_date] => 2017-05-24 17:56:05
            [confirm_date] =>
            [transfer_date] =>
            [amount_br] => 152023.00
            [amount_ext] => 64.55
            [amount_iof] => 0.00
            [currency_rate] => 2355.1200
            [currency_ext] => USD
            [due_date] => 2017-05-27
            [instalments] => 1
            [payment_type_code] => baloto
            [baloto_url] =>
            [voucher_id] => 484939887
            [pre_approved] =>
            [capture_available] =>
            [note] => Fake payment created by PHPUnit.
            [customer] => Array
                    [document] => 932221309
                    [email] => [email protected]
                    [name] => LUNA GRANADOS
                    [birth_date] => 1966-05-31


    [status] => SUCCESS
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