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The data visualization shows asylum and first time asylum applicants monthly per country from 2012 to April 2019.
According to Eurostat figures, up to April 2019 the total number of asylum seeker applicants to the extended EU (EU28 + Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) was of 235,705. Almost a 10% increase compared to the same period the year before (216,335).
Eurostat's statistics on asylum and managed migration provide statistical information on third-country nationals (non-EU citizens including stateless persons) applying for international protection (asylum seekers) and for entering, residing and working in the European Union Member States. The statistics available from Eurostat are collected from the EU and EFTA Ministries of Interior and related immigration agencies.
This visualization was made using Eurostat asylum statistics. Asylum statistics include: data on asylum applicants and first-time asylum applicants, unaccompanied minors applying for asylum, first instance decisions on applications and final decisions taken in appeal or review on asylum applications, as well as resettled persons.
- Eurostat
- Yle/Finland on TV2
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If you are interested in using the interactive version please contact Teemo Tebest, [email protected]
This visualization is part of the EBU News Exchange’s Data Journalism project. Other projects are available:
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