Live demo
The graph shows the ICU patients due Covid-19 and administered vaccine doses for European countries. ICU stands for intensive care unit. The definition of unitensive care unit may differ from country to country. The vaccine data is counted as a single dose, and may not equal the total number of people vaccinated, depending on the specific dose regime (e.g. people receive multiple doses).The data comes from Our World in Data.
ERNO area
EBU links
- News Exchange, 2021-03-10 ERNO region
- News Exchange, 2021-03-10 Europe
Used by
- Yle/Finland online
If you are interested in using the interactive version please contact Teemo Tebest, [email protected]
This visualization is part of the EBU News Exchange’s Data Journalism project. Other projects are available:
The material may be used only by Eurovision active members and sub-licensees.
This is a Webpack + React project.
npm install
npm start
Project should start at: http://localhost:8080
For developing please refer to package.json