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Tutorial on wrapper dev assist

Yin Qu (屈垠) edited this page Feb 21, 2014 · 3 revisions

Wrapper Dev Assist is a Java program that helps developers author wrappers, by enabling viewing extracted semantics through one click.

The Wrapper Dev Assist is still under development. Feedbacks / bug reports are welcomed.


To run the Wrapper Dev Assist, you need to checkout the following repositories:

You should follow the Conventional Folder Layout, otherwise the WrapperDevAssist will ask for the paths to these repositories.

Using Wrapper Dev Assist

Starting the Wrapper Dev Assist

The program can be started in one of the following ways:

  • In command line, first navigate to the folder for the BigSemanticsWrapperRepository repository, then go into folder WrapperDevAssist. Then, run: $ ant run-app.
  • In Eclipse, find the WrapperDevAssist project, and run the launch file AssistApp.launch.

The interface is simple: a button that incorporates your changes with one click, and an area that shows logs.

Image showing the interface of the Wrapper Dev Assist

Incorporating Wrapper Changes

Any time when you modified wrappers, click on the button to incorporate your changes. The app will re-compile wrappers into metadata classes, update related dependencies, and launch a local BigSemanticsService so that you can see extracted semantics in a MICE like interface.

The process can take a while (approximately 1 minute in some cases). We are working on improving the speed of compiling wrappers.

Viewing Extracted Semantics

Once the Wrapper Dev Assist shows "Service started, running", you can point to http://localhost:8080/interactiveSemantics/testLocal.html to view metadata in a MICE like interface.


The Wrapper Dev Assist will generate a log file in its working directory.

When you click on the button, the app actually launches a local BigSemantics Web Service. The service will create a directory named as "bigsemantics-service" in your home directory, and generated logs in it.

You should be able to safely delete these log files.