spamassassin white-list to avoid traffic from predatory publishers
The spamassassin program provides an efficient and robust framework test incoming email headers and body text. It also allows user-local overrides, for both guanranteed white-listing (to guarantee acceptance) and black-listing (to guarantee a high-enough score that the mail is filtered as non-desirable).
I have been hand-editing and growing such a file since 2002, and noticed that almost all entries in recent years were in fact due to spammy journals inviting me to send something. Presumably in hopes of later collecting a processing fee.
Single-person editing works, collaborative editing and merges scales better. So here is an attempt of making a 'wider' list. Who knows, we may even end up with a new plug-in just how the some of the filters are already distributed.
A grand plan to integrate with spamassassin channels and rule updates. I am at this point unsure how active these are. I think my (Debian/Ubuntu) Linux servers actually fetch rule updates automagically. But I have no idea about the process in which those rules get formed and validated.
As a start, I just dropped (relevant parts of) my current
for others to see, copy, pull-request against.
I have not really thought through yet where to take take this, but as a start
I figured I could least make the list public. With that, the process goes
from 'one person editing one file' to maybe more than one person doing
GPL (>= 2)